MasterApp Xtra User Guide

[ doc last updated on March 22,1999 ]

Table of Contents

Sales and technical support


What MasterApp Xtra does

Methods at a glance

Getting started

Methods doc






Launch Utilities

Input Simulation

Windows Registry


Encoding for special characters

Common tasks

Open a web page

Check for existence of an app and launch an installer

Go to a specific Acrobat page


Version history

Standard legal disclaimer

Sales and technical support

All licensing, pricing information and technical inquiries regarding MasterApp Xtra should be directed to updateStage which can be reached in the following ways:

sales e-mail:

tech support e-mail:

phone: (781) 641-6043

fax: (781) 641-7068


You can download a demonstration version of MasterApp Xtra at:

You will also find demo movies of specific techniques and helpful utility software in the Supporting Materials -> MasterApp section of the updateStage downloads area.


MasterApp Xtra was developed by Glenn Picher of Dirigo Multimedia

This user guide was written by Gretchen Macdowall, with technical editing by Glenn Picher. Some portions are based on product notes by Glenn Picher.

What MasterApp Xtra does

MasterApp Xtra launches, monitors and controls external applications from Director. Director's "open doc with application" command can also launch an external application but its capabilities are limited in the following ways:
  1. On the Windows platform, with Director's open, you must know the path to the application you want to launch. MasterApp can use the system registry and other techniques to find the application associated with a document type, rather than requiring you to supply a path.
  2. On Windows, launching a document while an application is running using Director's open command sometimes launches a second copy of the application. MasterApp can load the requested doc into the already-running application instead of launching multiple copies of the same application.
  3. On the Mac you cannot use Lingo's open to open a document with an application unless the application is the application that created it. MasterApp's Launch family of methods will let you open a doc into any application that knows how to handle the document, regardless of the document's creator.
  4. Director's open does not give you any feedback if it fails. MasterApp's launch methods return error codes, enabling you to program alternatives and inform the user if the launch fails.
  5. On the Mac, Lingo's open does not open a document if its application is already running. MasterApp can.

MasterApp also returns information about open tasks and windows on the system and gives you some control over applications outside of Director. You can use MasterApp, for instance, to wait until one external installer app has finished before launching the next one, or to configure an app to a particular window size or position

MasterApp offers more specific control over external apps by enabling you to send simulated user mouse clicks and keystrokes to another app. You can use it to auto-open a search dialog and "type" in a search word, or to auto-dismiss a dialog that comes up in the middle of a long process.

How MasterApp works with applications

The Task List and Window List are central to most of MasterApp's operations. The Task List shows every executable currently loaded into memory. The Task List includes DLL's, Windows Explorer, and other system executables on the PC. On the Mac it includes extensions and the Finder. Most tasks on the task list have a corresponding window list. Neither a task nor its windows have to be visible to the user to appear on the Task or Window List.

The Task List

MasterApp's mappGetTaskList method returns the following listings on the PC (example from Win98) and Mac, in string form, one line per task, delimited by returns. Tabs and headings have been inserted into the listings below for clarity. The actual task names and ID's returned on any machine will vary depending on what is currently running when mappGetTaskList is called.

Windows 95/98 Task List
Task Name       Task ID    Parent ID     Instance ID  Module ID
KERNEL32.DLL,   -3152041,  -2124908191,  -3152041,    -3152041
MSGSRV32.EXE,   -60485,    -3152041,     -60485,      -60485
MPREXE.EXE,     -53733,    -60485,       -53733,      -53733
mmtask.tsk,     -74137,    -60485,       -74137,      -74137
ATMSG.EXE,      -129373,   -53733,       -129373,     -129373
EXPLORER.EXE,   -79365,    -60485,       -79365,      -79365
TASKMON.EXE,    -119329,   -79365,       -119329,     -119329
SYSTRAY.EXE,    -118145,   -79365,       -118145,     -118145
DIRECTOR.EXE,   -134417,   -79365,       -134417,     -134417
Mac Task List
Task Name            Task ID  Parent ID  Instance ID  Module ID
FAXQueue Watcher,    32,      0,         32,          32
Finder,              33,      0,         33,          33
QuicKeys® Toolbox,   34,      33,        34,          34
File Sharing Exten,  35,      33,        35,          35
Stickies,            36,      33,        36,          36
VersaTile Pro 1.6.5, 37,      33,        37,          37
Notify Claris Email, 38,      0,         38,          38
Microsoft Word,      39,      33,        39,          39
Find File,           40,      33,        40,          40
Director 7,          41,      33,        41,          41

Task Name and Task ID are by far the most-used pieces of information on the Task List. Task Name is usually the name of the executable file, and Task ID is a unique number that identifies that program, DLL or extension. If you were to launch NOTEPAD on the PC twice, something you can't do on the Mac, the two running copies of NOTEPAD would both appear on the list on separate lines with the same Task Name but different Task ID's.

Parent ID is the Task ID of the task that launched the current task. In the listings you will notice that apps launched by the user in Explorer or Finder have the Explorer or Finder's Task ID for their parent. If you use MasterApp to launch another app from your projector, the launched app will have the projector's Task ID for its Parent ID. Windows NT is the one exception - Parent ID is always 0 under that OS.

Instance ID and Module ID only apply in the Windows 3.1 environment. Under 32-bit Windows and on the Mac, Instance and Module ID aren't used and will always be the same as Task ID. It is the rare Director application these days that would need to bother with either Module ID or Instance ID, although some of the Module methods return unique information about the executable name and its path that you may find useful under those OS's.

Module ID identifies one application or DLL loaded into Win 3.1 memory. What appear to be two launched copies of NOTEPAD.EXE actually share the same code module loaded into memory and have the same Module ID. Instance ID is unique and identifies each separately running instance of a particular module. Two launched copies of NOTEPAD.EXE on Win 3.1 would have different instance ID's.

Window list

After an application has been launched, most MasterApp activity to control it consists of performing various operations on its windows, such as resizing, minimizing or sending simulated user input to them. All MasterApp methods involving windows require a Window ID to identify which window to operate on. The following example window lists were built using MasterApp's mappGetTaskWindowList method to return a list of the application's main windows and then the mappGetChildWindowList method to retrieve the children of each main window:

PC Window List for NOTEPAD.EXE
Window Name          Window ID  Parent Window ID  Has Children  Window Type
Untitled - Notepad,  2128,      0,                1,            Notepad
,                    2132,      2128,             0,            Edit
Mac Window List for the System's Find File Utility
Window Name          Window ID  Parent Window ID  Has Children  Window Type
Find File,           32391888,  0,                1,            32135064
,                    32134888,  32391888,         0,            0
,                    32134920,  32391888,         0,            1
,                    32134948,  32391888,         0,            0
Fewer Choices,       32134964,  32391888,         0,            0
More Choices,        32134980,  32391888,         0,            0
Find,                32135060,  32391888,         0,            0

Document and application windows as we think of them are actually comprised of many child "windows" by the Microsoft Windows definition. Each button, text field or other widget on what we think of as a window is considered a child "window" of the containing parent window by the system. The Macintosh system does not work quite the same way, but Mac MasterApp uses the parent/child metaphor there as well, to ease cross-platform scripting.

Not all windows, as you can see from the listings, have names, and Mac window types have numbers rather than names. Some invisible system elements are considered "windows".

Main windows usually have a Window Name but their children don't always. In the examples above, Notepad's main document window has a name, but the child window for text entry does not. In the Mac example, the three buttons on the main Find File window have names, but the 3 drop down pick lists do not.

Each window has a Window ID that is unique across applications. The component "window" widgets of a window such as editable fields or buttons are child windows, which belong to a Parent Window. In the examples above the window widgets for a window all show the same Parent Window ID. The corresponding property, Has Children, is true for the parent windows and false for the window widgets in the examples above. It is possible and common on Win to have a window hierarchy within an application's Window List where child windows have children of their own. On the Mac, there is only one level. A parent window can have children ( controls ) but those children cannot have children of their own.

Window Type is a much more useful property on Win than on the Mac because on Win the window type is a string. On Win the "Edit" window type is significant because it tells you that the window widget accepts text input from the user. These are the widgets to target when you want to send simulated "typed" input from the user. For instance, you might want to open a Find dialog and "type" in the search word to conduct a find in another application from Lingo.

On Mac the types are numbers, which don't tell you much. However, windows of a similar kind within an application usually have the same window type. That might help you, for instance, to identify all of an application's open document windows.

Much of the coding work in MasterApp involves iterating through the task list at runtime looking for the task you are interested in by name, then iterating once more through its main windows and their child windows to find the window you want to control. Since task ID's and window ID's will be different every time your app runs, you must target windows by some characteristic that won't change, such as their name or their window type. Here is a short example, that finds Notepad's main document window, which has a unique window type of "Notepad" :

on findNotepadTaskID
   set taskList = mappGetTaskList()
   set taskID = 0
   set lookForTask = "NOTEPAD.EXE"
   set the itemDelimiter = ","
   set li = the number of lines of taskList
   repeat with x = 1 to li
      set taskName = item 1 of line x of taskList
      if taskName = lookForTask then
         set taskID = value(item 2 of line x of taskList)
         -- current line looks like:
         -- NOTEPAD.EXE,-134417,-79365,-134417,-134417
         exit repeat
      end if
   end repeat
   if taskID <> 0 then findMainDocWindow(taskID)
 on findMainDocWindow taskID
   set windowList = mappGetTaskWindowList(taskID)
   set windowID = 0
   set li = the number of lines of windowList
   repeat with x = 1 to li
      set windowType = item 5 of line x of windowList
      if windowType = "Notepad" then
         set windowID = value(item 2 of line x of windowList)
         -- current line looks like:
         -- ,2132,2128,0,Edit
      end if
   end repeat
   put "Main doc window ID is: " & windowID

Note: It is possible for a task name or window name to contain a comma. The code above assumes that there will only be 5 items per line for clarity. It is actually safer to check the number of items per line and concatenate the items at the beginning that make up the name if you find more than 5.

Methods at a glance

Method and arguments


register ( xtra "MasterApp", regCodeString )

Prevents the demo dialog from coming up after purchase.

Task Methods

mappGetTaskList ( )

Returns a list of the task names and ID's currently running on the system

mappGetTaskIDs ( )

Returns a list of the task ID's currently running on the system

mappTaskName ( taskIDNum)

Returns the name of the task corresponding to the specified taskID

mappTaskParent ( taskIDNum)

Returns the name of the task corresponding to the specified taskID

mappTaskInstance ( taskIDNum)

Returns the instance ID of the parent task corresponding to the specified task

mappTaskModule ( taskIDNum)

Returns the module ID from which the specified task ID was started

mappGetTaskWindowList ( taskIDNum)

Returns a list of the top-level window names and ID's belonging to the specified task

mappGetTaskWindowIDs ( taskIDNum)

Returns a list of the top-level window ID's belonging to the specified task

mappGetWindowTask ( windowIDNum)

Returns the taskID of the task owning the specified window

mappRudeQuitTask ( taskIDNum, exitValueNum )

Unloads the specified task from memory.

mappTaskIsRunning ( taskIDNum)

Returns 0 if the specified task is not running

mappFeedTimeSlice ( taskIDNum)

Gives the specified task processing time

mappFeedGenericTimeSlice ( )

Forces Director to cede processing time to the system and other running tasks

mappHostAppTask ( )

Returns the task ID of the program that MasterApp is running in

mappDirectorTask ( )

Synonym of mappHostAppTask

mappAuthorwareTask ( )

Synonym of mappHostAppTask

mappTaskToFront ( taskIDNum )

Moves the specified task's windows to the front

mappGetTaskOrder ( )

Returns the task ID's of tasks with visible windows in front to back order

Thread Methods

mappGetThreadList ( )

Returns a list of currently running thread ID's and their parent ID's

mappGetTaskThreads ( taskIDNum)

Returns a list of thread ID's corresponding to the specified task

mappGetThreadWindowList ( threadIDNum)

Returns a list of window names and window ID's owned by the specified thread

mappGetThreadWindowIDs ( threadIDNum)

Returns a list of window ID's owned by the specified thread

Module Methods

mappGetModuleList ( )

Returns a list of the module names and module ID's of all modules currently running on the system

mappGetModuleIDs ( )

Returns a list of the module ID's of all modules currently running on the system

mappModuleTask ( moduleIDNum)

Returns the first taskID started from the specified module

mappModuleFileName ( moduleIDNum)

Returns the taskID corresponding to the specified module

mappHostAppFilename ( )

Returns the filename of the executable MasterApp is running from

mappDirectorFilename ( )

Returns the filename of Director authoring or the Director projector MasterApp is running from

mappAuthorwareFilename ( )

Returns the filename of Authorware authoring or the Authorware executable MasterApp is running from

mappModuleName ( moduleIDNum)

Returns the module name of the specified module

mappModuleIsRunning ( moduleIDNum)

Returns TRUE if the specified module ID is still running

mappUnloadModule ( moduleIDNum, appOrDllString)

Unloads the specified module from memory

mappHostAppModule ( )

Returns the module ID of the executable MasterApp is running from

mappDirectorModule ( )

Synonym of mappHostAppModule

mappAuthorwareModule ( )

Synonym of mappHostAppModule

Window Methods

mappGetParentWindowList ()

Returns a list of all parent window names and ID's, generally in front to back order

mappGetParentWindowIDs ()

Returns a list of all parent window ID's

mappGetChildWindowList ( windowIDNum)

Returns a list of all child window names and ID's owned by the specified window

mappGetChildWindowIDs ( windowIDNum)

Returns a list of all child window ID's owned by the specified window

mappWindowParent ( windowIDNum)

Returns the window ID of the parent window for the specified window

mappGetWindowParent ( windowIDNum)

Returns the window ID of the parent window for the specified window

mappSetWindowParent ( windowIDNum, newParentWindowIDNum )

Assigns the specified parent ID to the specified window

mappGetHighestWindowParent ( windowIDNum)

Returns the window ID of the parent at the topmost level of the window hierarchy for the specified window

mappWindowName ( windowIDNum)

Returns the name of the specified window

mappGetWindowName ( windowIDNum)

Returns the name of the specified window

mappSetWindowName ( windowIDNum, newNameString )

Assigns the specified name to the specified window

mappWindowHasChildren ( windowIDNum)

Returns TRUE if the specified window has any child windows

mappWindowType ( windowIDNum)

Returns the window type of the specified window

mappGetWindowType ( windowIDNum)

Returns the window type of the specified window

mappWindowIsVisible ( windowIDNum)

Returns TRUE if the specified window is visible

mappFindWindow ( windowName, windowType )

Returns the window ID of the first window found matching the specified name and type.

mappGetActiveWindow ( )

Returns the window ID of the currently active window

mappSetActiveWindow ( windowIDNum)

Makes the specified window the currently active window

mappGetForegroundWindow ( )

Returns the window ID of the current foreground window

mappSetForegroundWindow ( windowIDNum)

Makes the specified window the foreground window

mappGetKeyboardInputWindow ( )

Returns the window ID of the window currently receiving keyboard input

mappSetKeyboardInputWindow ( windowIDNum)

Makes the specified window the window that will receive keyboard input

mappCaptureMouseInput ( windowIDNum)

Directs mouse clicks to the specified window

mappReleaseMouseInput ( )

Directs mouse clicks to the window they were going to before mappCaptureMouseInput was used.

mappGetParentWindowTopChild ( windowIDNum)

Returns the topmost child window ID of the specified parent window

mappGetDesktopWindow ( )

Returns the window ID of the desktop window

mappGetWindowOutsideRect ( windowIDNum)

Returns the 4 coordinates of the supplied window ID's outside rect

mappGetWindowInsideRect ( windowIDNum)

Returns the 4 coordinates of the supplied window ID's content area - excludes the title bar and borders.

mappSetWindowOutsideRect ( windowIDNum, leftNum, topNum, rightNum, bottomNum )

Resizes the outside rect of the specified window ID to the coordinates specified

mappSetWindowRect ( windowIDNum, leftNum, topNum, rightNum, bottomNum )

Resizes the content area rect - what is inside the title bar and window borders - of the specified window ID, to the coordinates specified

mappCloseWindow ( windowIDNum )

Closes the specified window

mappSetCloseBoxOffset ( horOffsetNum, verOffsetNum )

Sets the position of the close box used to calculate where a simulated click is sent by mappCloseWindow method

mappFindWindowPart ( xLocNum, yLocNum )

Returns the window part under the specified point for any window owned by Director or Authorware

mappWindowExists ( windowIDNum )

Returns TRUE if the specified window still exists

mappWindowToFront ( windowIDNum )

Moves the specified window in front of all other windows

mappWindowToBack ( windowIDNum )

Moves the specified window behind all other windows

mappHideWindow ( windowIDNum )

Makes the specified window invisible

mappShowWindow ( windowIDNum )

Makes an invisible window visible

mappMinimizeWindow ( windowIDNum )

Minimizes the specified window to an icon, if possible

mappRestoreWindow ( windowIDNum )

Restores an minimized window to its previous size and location

mappMaximizeWindow ( windowIDNum )

Resizes a window to fill the screen, if possible

mappSetUserZoomOffset ( horPixelNum, verPixelNum )

Resets the position used to send a simulated click to a window's zoom box with the mappMaximizeWindow method.

mappSetStandardZoomOffset ( horPixelNum, verPixelNum )

Resets the position used to send a simulated click to a window's zoom box with the mappMaximizeWindow method.

mappDirectorStageWindow ( )

Returns the window ID of Director authoring or the Director projector's stage

mappHostAppMainWindow ( )

Returns the window ID of the main window of the program MasterApp is running in

mappDirectorMainWindow ( )

Synonym of mappHostAppMainWindow

mappAuthorwareMainWindow ( )

Synonym of mappHostAppMainWindow

mappAuthorwarePresentationWindow ( )

Returns the windowID of Authorware's presentation window

mappKeepOnTop ( windowIDNum )

Makes the specified window float on top of other windows

mappDontKeepOnTop ( windowIDNum )

Reverts the specified window to normal behavior after mappKeepOnTop was used

Launch Methods

mappLaunch ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

Launches the application at the specified path

mappLaunchButDontActivate ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

Launches the application at the specified path but does not bring it to the front

mappLaunchHidden ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

Launches the application at the specified path invisibly

mappLaunchMinimized ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

Launches the application at the specified path iconized, if possible

mappLaunchMaximized ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

Launches the application at the specified path and displays its main window full screen

Launch Utility Methods

mappLocateExecutable ( filenameString )

Returns the path to the executable registered to handle the document at the file path specified

mappLocateAliases ( )

Allows mappLocateExecutable to return the path to an alias

mappDontLocateAliases ( )

Prevents mappLocateExecutable from returning the path to an alias

mappResolveAlias( filePathString )

Returns the path to the actual file if passed a path to an alias.

mappGetMenuBarHeight ( )

Returns the height in pixels of the menu bar.

mappSetMenuBarHeight ( pixelNumber )

Sets the menu bar to the specified height in pixels

mappFixMenuBarOnLaunch ( )

Allows the menu bar height for applications launched by MasterApp commands to be set by MasterApp

mappDontFixMenuBarOnLaunch ( )

Prevents MasterApp from setting the menu bar height for applications launched by MasterApp

mappFixMenuBarHeight ( pixelNumber )

Sets the menu bar height in pixels used if mappFixMenuBarOnLaunch has turned menu bar fixing on for launched apps

mappGetSystemScript ( )

Returns the system script number

mappGetSystemRegion ( )

Returns the system region number

mappGetShortFileName ( filepathString )

Returns the specified file path converted to DOS 8.3 format

mappGetLongFileName ( filepathString )

Returns the specified DOS file path converted to long (Win 95 and later) format

mappOpenDocument ( docpathString )

Opens the document at the specified file path with the application registered to handle it

mappPrintDocument ( docpathString )

Prints the document at the specified file path with the application registered to handle it

mappInstanceTask ( instanceIDNum )

Returns the taskID corresponding to the specified instanceID

mappInstanceIsRunning ( instanceIDNum )

Returns TRUE if the specified instance is still running

mappUnloadInstance ( instanceIDNum , appOrDllString)

Unloads the specified instance from memory

Input Simulation Methods

mappFakeMouseClick ( windowIDNum , horPointNum, verPointNum )

Simulates a user mouse click in the specified window at the specified location

mappFakeMouseClickWait ( windowIDNum , horPointNum, verPointNum )

Simulates a user mouse click in the specified window at the specified location and waits until the receiving application processes the mouse click

mappFakeMouseDrag ( windowIDNum, fromHorNum, fromVerNum, toHorNum, toVerNum)

Simulates a user mouse drag in the specified window, from the start coords to the end coords specified.

mappFakeCharacter ( windowIDNum , charString )

Simulates the user typing an ASCII character in the specified window

mappFakeCharacterWait ( windowIDNum , charString )

Simulates the user typing an ASCII character in the specified window and waits until the receiving application processes the character

mappFakeCharCode ( windowIDNum, charNum, codeNum )

Simulates the user typing a control character combination such as Ctrl-C in the specified window

mappFakeCharCodeWait ( windowIDNum, charNum, codeNum )

Simulates the user typing a control character combination such as Ctrl-C in the specified window and waits until the receiving application processes the control code

mappShowMenu ( windowIDNum )

Targets the menu of the specified window for simulated input

mappShowMenuWait ( windowIDNum )

Targets the menu of the specified window for simulated input and waits until the receiving window processes the request

mappAnyWindowAtPoint ( horPointNum, verPointNum )

Returns the windowID of the frontmost window under the specified point

mappChildWindowAtPoint ( windowIDNum , horPointNum, verPointNum )

Returns the windowID of the frontmost child window under the specified point of the specified parent window

Windows Registry Methods

mappGetWindowsRegistry ( baseString, keyString, valueString )

Returns the registry value at the specified location

mappSetWindowsRegistry ( baseString, keyString, valueString, dataAnytype )

Sets the registry value at the specified location

mappGetWindowsRegistryEntries ( baseString, keyString )

Returns the list of registry subkeys and their values under the specified key

mappGetWindowsRegistryKeys ( baseString, keyString )

Returns the list of registry subkeys under the specified key

mappGetWindowsRegistryValues ( baseString, keyString )

Returns the list of registry values under the specified key

mappGetWindowsRegistryEntryType ( baseString, keyString, valueString )

Returns the type of data stored at the specified location

mappDeleteWindowsRegistry ( baseString, keyString, valueString )

Deletes the entry at the specified location

Miscellaneous Methods

mappGetDefaultPrinter ( )

Returns the name of the default printer

mappSetDefaultPrinter ( printerString )

Sets the default printer to the specified printer name

mappGetInstalledPrinters ( )

Returns a list of all of the installed printer names

mappWindowsFlavor ( )

Returns the type of Windows operating system - either "win95" or "winNT"

mappDontUseLayerManager ( )

Turns use of the Layer Manager off

mappUseLayerManager ( )

Turns use of the Layer Manager on

mappGetSystemVersion ( )

Returns a string containing the Mac system version.

Getting started

There are 3 versions of MasterApp covering the various platforms:



MasterApp Xtra



32-bit Windows (Windows 95,98,NT)


16- bit Windows (Windows 3.1)


MastrApp.DLL, for Windows 3.1, is an XObject. This documentation covers the PC and Mac Xtras only. There is a text document inside the XObject download that lists the available methods for the XObject and their syntax. You may still find this document helpful for getting a better idea of what each method does. The Win XObject was the first version of MasterApp so the Xtra's methods are a superset of the XObject's. See the Xtra and XObject Primer for general information on how to instantiate an XObject and how to call its methods.

In authoring, place the correct MasterApp Xtra for your authoring platform in Director or Authorware's Xtras folder. For delivery with your projector or runtime Authorware app, place the correct MasterApp Xtra for your projector type in the Xtras folder next to your projector/Authorware runtime app.

Director users can opt to include Xtras internally in the projector instead. To include MasterApp internally, do Modify -> Movie -> Xtras and manually add MasterApp to the movie's Xtras list before making the projector. There is more information on the pros and cons of including Xtras internally or externally in the Xtra and XObject Primer. Support recommendation? Use an external Xtras folder.

Ignore the blue section if you are working with a demo version of MasterApp Xtra

If you have purchased the MasterApp Xtra you received a registration number and a registered copy of the Xtra. Replace the old demo versions of the files with your registered versions. The registered version does not display an unregistered warning dialog when it starts up, but it will not let you call any methods until you first use the register method. Call the register method like so:


register(xtra "MasterApp","48dkd2929")
-- your registration number is the second parameter


var := CallParentObject("MasterApp","register","38dk22")
-- your registration number is the third parameter

All of MasterApp's methods are global. That means that you do not need to use a "new" call to make an instance of the Xtra. All methods are available to you as soon as the Xtra loads. In Authorware, you can get a listing of the available methods by choosing Window -> Function. The methods appear under the category "Xtra MasterApp".

Director is not set up by default to continue running after it launches another application. You must turn the "Animate in background" option on both in Director's authoring environment and in a projector. Otherwise in Director authoring the movie will stop running as soon as you launch an app, and a projector with the option off will pause while the launched app is open. The "Animate in background" option is in Director authoring's Preferences. It is also under Options when you create a projector.

Methods doc

register ( xtra "MasterApp", registrationCodeString)

The demo version of MasterApp Xtra will display a trial-version alert the first time you use a method. If you have purchased the MasterApp Xtra you received a registration number and a registered copy of the Xtra. Replace the old demo versions of the files with your registered versions. The registered version does not display an unregistered warning alert when it starts up, but it will not let you call any methods until you first use the register method. Call the register method like so:

register(xtra "MasterApp","48dkd2929")
-- your registration number is the second parameter

If you have problems registering the MasterApp Xtra, please check the following:


register(xtra "MasterApp","48dkd2929")

Task Methods

A task is a process currently running on the system. Most tasks that you will want to use MasterApp to monitor will be user applications, but a task can also be a process that loaded at startup and is running invisibly. Both user applications and tasks normally invisible to the user will appear on the system task list returned by MasterApp.

mappGetTaskList ()

Returns: string containing a list of the tasks currently running on the system, one per line. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.

Provides information about currently running tasks. Each line represents one task and provides the following 5 items, separated by commas, per task line:

taskName, taskID, parentTaskID, instanceID, moduleID

Here is what a typical return from mappGetTaskList looks like:

put mappGetTaskList()
-- "Control Strip Extension,32,0,32,32
FAXQueue Watcher,33,0,33,33
Folder Actions,34,0,34,34
OSA Menu,35,0,35,35
Time Synchronizer,36,0,36,36
File Sharing Extension,38,37,38,38
VersaTile Pro 1.6.5,40,37,40,40
BBEdit 4.0,41,37,41,41
Jade FAT,42,37,42,42
Notify Claris Emailer,43,0,43,43
Claris Home Page,44,37,44,44
Director 5.0.1,45,37,45,45"

Task ID's are always nonzero but their possible range varies with the operating system. Task ID's are negative on Win 95,98 and positive numbers on WinNT. On the PC, Task ID's are assigned by the system. It is possible, on the PC, for a taskID that was assigned to a process that has terminated, to be reassigned to a new process. Under WinNT, parentTaskID always returns 0.

On the Mac, taskID's are positive integers, starting at 32, created by MasterApp. A taskID of 31 or less on the Mac indicates an error. TaskID's are not reused on the Mac - the taskID formerly used by a terminated process will not get assigned to a new process. On the Mac, all tasks have a parentTaskID, except for the Finder which has a parentTaskID of 0.

InstanceID and moduleID are relevant only under Win3.1. On 32-bit OS's and on the Mac, instanceID and moduleID are the same as taskID.

It is possible for a task name to contain a comma. If there are more than 5 items in a line your code should concatenate the items at the beginning to retrieve the full task name.


on findTaskInList nameString
  -- Cycle through task list and return the 
  -- entire information line for that task
  -- from the task list
  -- EX: set taskInfo = findTaskInList("DIRECTOR.EXE")
  -- put taskInfo
  -- "DIRECTOR.EXE,-1001019,-1000951,-1001019,-1001019"
  set notFoundString = ""
  set taskList = mappGetTaskList()
     set cnt = the number of lines in taskList
  repeat with x = 1 to cnt
    set oneTask = line x of taskList
    if oneTask contains nameString then
      return oneTask
    end if
  end repeat
  return notFoundString

mappGetTaskIDs ()

Returns: a string containing the taskID's of all currently running tasks

Returns a string of the taskID's of all currently running tasks, all on one line, separated by spaces. Use 'word' to walk through the results. This is a better method than mappGetTaskList to use if you are looking for a specific taskID, because a taskName containing a comma won't affect the position of the results. Returns the frontmost task first.


on findMyKids parentID
  -- Returns only taskID's launched by supplied parent ID
  -- ID's returned in linear Lingo list
  -- EX: set kidList = findMyKids(37)
  -- put kidList
  -- [38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44]
  set kidList = []
  set tasks = mappGetTaskIDs()
  set wds = the number of words of tasks
  repeat with x = 1 to wds
    set id = value(word x of tasks)
    if launchedBy(parentID,id) then
      append kidList,id
    end if
  end repeat
  return kidList
on launchedBy parentID,childID
  -- Returns TRUE if the supplied childID was started by
  -- the supplied parent ID
  -- EX: set childOf = launchedBy(35,54)
  if mappTaskParent(childID) = parentID then
    return TRUE
    return FALSE
  end if

mappTaskName ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: task name corresponding to the taskID or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns internal name for a taskID. Return value may contain encoding for special characters. On the Mac, if the task is an application, this is the same text that's displayed on the applications pulldown menu. Use mappModuleFileName to get the full filename of the task.


set taskName = mappTaskName(taskID)

mappTaskParent ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer taskID of task's parent or 0

Returns the task's parent task ID.


on launchedBy parentID,childID
  -- Returns TRUE if the supplied childID was started by
  -- the supplied parent ID
  -- EX: set childOf = launchedBy(35,54)
  if mappTaskParent(childID) = parentID then
    return TRUE
    return FALSE
  end if

mappTaskInstance ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer instanceID associated with the task or 0 if there is no instanceID

Returns a task's instanceID. This is only relevant under Win 3.1 so the method only exists for compatibility with the XObject version. On the Mac and 32-bit Windows systems, the taskID and instanceID are the same. So on those systems the method returns the same ID provided, or 0 if the taskID is no longer valid.


set instanceID = mappTaskInstance(taskID)

mappTaskModule ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer moduleID associated with the task or 0 if there is no moduleID

Returns a task's moduleID. This is only relevant under Win 3.1 so the method only exists for compatibility with the XObject version. On the Mac and 32-bit Windows systems, the taskID and moduleID are the same. So on those systems the method returns the same ID provided, or 0 if the taskID is no longer valid.


set moduleID = mappTaskModule(taskID)

mappTaskEvents ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer number of events waiting to be processed by the specified task, or -1 if taskID is invalid

Only relevant on Win 3.1 and retained for backwards compatibility with XObject. Returns the number of events waiting for the task to process. On 32-bit Win systems it always returns 0. On the Mac, it always returns 0 for tasks other than the Director task itself, and never returns more than 1.


set waitingEvents = mappTaskEvents(taskID)

mappGetTaskWindowList ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: string list of all top-level windows owned by the task or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns a list of all windows owned by the task, one per line, in the format:

windowName, windowID, parentWindowID, hasChildren, windowType

Here is what a typical return from mappGetTaskWindowList looks like for the Director task on the Mac:

put mappgettaskwindowlist(45)
-- ",13132032,0,0,26844720
Control Panel,13131856,0,0,26800756
Internal Cast,13132208,0,1,26839652
Untitled Score,13131680,0,1,26808976
Color Palettes,13130976,0,1,12927888"

On the Mac, parentWindowID is always 0 for windows returned by this method because there is no main application window containing all of the app's other windows as there is on Win. A windowName may contain commas, so mappGetTaskWindowIDs is a more bulletproof method of identifying all windows.Return value may contain encoding for special characters.

On Windows, the windows in the list are returned in front-to-back draw order. On the Mac, use mappGetTaskOrder to determine the front-to-back draw order of applications.


on getWindowInList nameString,taskID
  -- Cycle through window list and return the 
  -- entire information line for that window
  -- from the task's window list
  -- EX: set winInfo = getWindowInList("Tooltip",45)
  -- put winInfo
  -- "Tooltip,13131328,0,0,26787640"
  set notFoundString = ""
  set windowList = getTaskWindowList(taskID)
  set cnt = the number of lines in windowList
  repeat with x = 1 to cnt
    set oneWin = line x of windowList
    if oneWin contains nameString then
      return oneWin
    end if
  end repeat
  return notFoundString

mappGetTaskWindowIDs ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: string containing a list of window ID's owned by the specified task or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns a string containing the windowID's of all of the task's windows, on one line,separated by spaces. Use 'word' to walk through the results.


on taskWindowOfNameExists wName,taskID
  -- Returns TRUE if the given window name still
  -- exists for the given task
  -- EX: set exists = taskWindowOfNameExists("Print",786)
  set windowList = mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID)
  set numWins = the number of words of windowList
  repeat with x = 1 to numWins
    set win = value(word x of windowList)
    if mappGetWindowName(win) = wName then
      return TRUE
    end if
  end repeat
  -- window not found
  return FALSE

mappGetWindowTask ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer taskID for task that owns the specified window or 0 if windowID is invalid

Returns the task that owns a given window.


set belongsToTask = mappGetWindowTask(5403)

mappRudeQuitTask integer ( taskIDNum, exitValueNum )

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method
exitValueNum: integer status value that the terminated task should pass back to Windows, which in turn, passes it back to the program that launched the program that is quitting. Use 0 for this param unless the task is a custom app that requires another value.

Returns: Returns 0 if the program's already quit, -4 if it's still running, -2 if taskID is invalid. It's not unusual to see -4 as a result. On Win32, -4 is *always* the result.

Forces a task to quit. This is a reliable way to quit applications on the Mac, but not on Win. On Win you should use mappCloseWindow on the application's main window instead, which is equivalent to the user quitting the app. Use mappFindWindow to get the windowID. RudeQuit on Win unceremoniously unloads the task from memory without giving it any opportunity to clean up after itself. mappCloseWindow is like opening the door and waving good-bye to a departing guest - mappRudeQuitTask is like shooting him in the head. However, some nonstandard PC apps may not respond to mappCloseWindow or may not have a main window to close. In that case, rudeQuit may be necessary.

This method isn't all that rude on the Mac. It sends a System-7 standard 'quit' AppleEvent or simulates a Quit menu choice, for pre-System-7 software. AppleScript is *not* required to be installed to send AppleEvents. On the Mac, exitValue is ignored.

Because this is the equivalent of a Quit menu choice on the Mac by the user, the app you're trying to quit may display a 'don't save'/'cancel'/'save' dialog. You can dismiss it by sending a simulated mouse click to the appropriate button.

On both platforms, you may need to feed the quitting process some timeslices to allow it enough time to quit. This is demonstrated in the code example.

The exit value parameter exists for historical reasons. Passing any value but 0 would be useful only in a custom-written application that needs to have specific information about why a program quit. Very few Windows applications are designed to get their information from exit values when a program quits, since Windows programs are designed to multitask and not run sequentially. But this is a technique that has historical precedent in MS-DOS programs and more generally ANSI compliant programs, and so was preserved in Windows 3.1 for the convenience of portability. Passing 0 for this parameter is generally the thing to do.


on quitTask taskID
   set limit = the timer + (5 * 60)
   repeat while the timer < limit and mappTaskIsRunning(taskID)
   end repeat

mappTaskIsRunning ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: 0 if the specified task is not running. On Mac returns 1 if the task is running. On Win returns the taskID if the task is running.

This method is useful for determining if a task you send a quit to is still running. It is also useful as a check before using a method that makes use of a taskID that you obtained previously. Check for a non-zero value in code that should work cross platform.


if mappTaskIsRunning(taskID) <> 0 then
   set winList = mappGetTaskWindowList(taskID)
   put "Task is no longer running."
end if

mappFeedTimeSlice ( taskIDNum)

taskIDNum: integer task ID obtained from another method

Returns: 0:no error, -1:invalid task ID, -2 task was already receiving timeslices

Mac, Win 3.1 method only. This method is a synonym for mappFeedGenericTimeSlice on 32-bit Win systems.

Wakes the specified task up, and gives it some processing time. This method, or mappFeedGenericTimeSlice is most useful in conjunction with other operations that send messages to a window that the application may need time to process. For instance, if you find that mappCloseWindow is not working with a particular application you can feed the application some processing time to execute the command after sending the closeWindow message. See example.

The duration of the timeslice varies depending on the operating system and what other tasks are running. On the Mac, this method does not necessarily insure that the indicated task will get processing time immediately (due to differences in event processing architecture), but it does make the task get processing time as soon as possible. This method may be necessary for apps to process messages. It is especially useful within a Lingo repeat loop, which normally monopolizes all timeslices.

Possible side effect: the Director task's windows may not be properly updated if this method is used within a long repeat loop and the user switches applications. In other words, if you starve the Director application of processing time by feeding it all to other applications, Director's own windows will not be able to update. You cannot use this method to feed the Director task itself more timeslices. You must use Lingo for that.

On Win32, the taskID is ignored. This method has the same effect as a generic time slice.


-- Insures that windowToFront and windowClose messages
-- have enough time to process
-- EX: waitForClose(89477,43)
on waitForClose windowID,taskID
  set limit = the timer + (5 * 60)
  repeat while the timer < limit
    set ls = " " & mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID) & " "
    if not(ls contains " " & windowID & " ") then
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat 


Return: No return

Makes the Director task cede processor time to the system so that other tasks can run. Differs from mappFeedTimeSlice in that the system decides which process will get the ceded time. Useful within Lingo repeat loops, which normally monopolize all timeslices. No return value.

Possible side effect: the Director task's windows may not be properly updated if this method is used within a long repeat loop and the user switches applications. In other words, if you starve the Director application of processing time by feeding it all to other applications, Director's own windows will not be able to update. You cannot use this method to feed the Director task itself more timeslices. You must use Lingo for that.


on longProcess
   set onRec = 1
   repeat while onRec <= numRecs
      -- fictional process that takes a long time
      -- Give other apps some processing time
      -- between each record
      set onRec = onRec + 1
   end repeat

mappHostAppTask ()

Returns: the taskID of the app hosting MasterApp Xtra.

Returns the taskID of either the Director or Authorware application if running in authoring. Returns the taskID of either the Director projector or the Authorware standalone at runtime.


set hostAppID = mappHostAppTask ()

mappDirectorTask ()

Returns: the taskID of the app hosting MasterApp Xtra.

Returns the taskID of the Director application if running in authoring or returns the taskID of the Director projector. Synonym of mappHostAppTask.


set directorID = mappDirectorTask ()

mappAuthorwareTask ()

Returns: the taskID of the app hosting MasterApp Xtra.

Authorware-only method. Returns the taskID of the Authorware application if running in authoring or returns the taskID of the Authorware standalone at runtime. Synonym of mappHostAppTask.


authorwareID := mappAuthorwareTask()

mappTaskToFront ( taskIDNum )

Returns: 0 if successful or Mac system error number

Mac-only method. Moves the task to the front. Does not exist on Windows because of some fundamental differences between Mac and Win in the way tasks are managed. No equivalent function in the Windows API. Instead, use mappWindowToFront on an application's main window, which you can identify from a taskID with mappGetTaskWindowList or mappGetTaskWindowIDs.


on moveItUp taskID

mappGetTaskOrder ()

Returns: a string containing taskID's separated by spaces, in front to back order

Lets you detect the front-to-back order of all visible applications, even if they are not showing any windows. Reports taskID's with visible windows, in front-to-back order. Note that on 32-bit Win systems,Windows Explorer usually shows up first, due to the Windows task bar.


on getFrontTaskID
  return value(word 1 of mappGetTaskOrder())

Thread Methods

Multithreading enables a process to designate blocks of its code as threads that can run simultaneously. Each process automatically starts off in one thread, but can spawn other threads later on. A web browser, for example, takes advantage of multithreading to download files while it also continues to display new web pages.

The thread methods were included because on Windows NT, 16-bit applications do not run as separate tasks. They all run under one task - Windows on Windows (WOW) as multiple threads. In order to distinguish one 16-bit running app from another on NT, you must use the thread methods. All of the thread methods only exist on the 32-bit Win platform.

mappGetThreadList ()

Returns: string list of all threads, one thread per line in the following format
threadID, parentTaskID

32-bit Win method only. By combining this method with mappGetThreadWindowList you can identify a 16-bit Win app running under Windows NT so that you can send messages to or otherwise control their windows.


set threadList = mappGetThreadList()

mappGetTaskThreads ( taskIDNum)

Returns: string containing threads ID's, separated by spaces or string beginning with "Error:"

32-bit Win method only. Lists thread ID's owned by specified task ID.


set taskThreads = mappGetTaskThreads(-5408342)

mappGetThreadWindowList ( threadIDNum)

Returns: string containing window information, one line per window in the following format or string beginning with "Error:"
windowName, windowID, parentWindowID, hasChildren, windowType

32-bit Win method only. Returns window information for windows owned by the specified thread.


-- Returns the window ID for a window name
-- even if the window belongs to a 16-bit
-- app running on NT
-- EX: set foundID = findThreadWindow("Untitled")
on findThreadWindow windowName
  set windowID = 0
  set savDelim = the itemDelimiter
  set the itemDelimiter = ","
  set threadList = mappGetThreadList()
  set lns = the number of lines of threadList
  repeat with x = 1 to lns
    if windowID > 0 then exit repeat
    set threadID = value(item 1 of line x of threadList)
    set windowList = mappGetThreadWindowList(threadID)
    set wlns = the number of lines in windowList
    if char 1 to 6 of windowList = "Error:" or windowList = "" then
      next repeat
      repeat with y = 1 to wlns
        set oneWin = line y of windowList
        if item 1 of oneWin = windowName then
          set windowID = value(item 2 of oneWin)
          exit repeat
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  set the itemDelimiter = savDelim
  return windowID

mappGetThreadWindowIDs ( threadIDNum)

Returns: string containing list of window ID's separated by spaces or string beginning with "Error:"

32-bit Win method only. Returns list of window ID's owned by the specified thread.


set threadWins = mappGetThreadWindowIDs(-43728)

Module Methods

A module is an application or DLL loaded into Win 3.1 memory that can be reused. What appear to be two launched copies of NOTEPAD.EXE actually share the same code module loaded into memory and have the same Module ID. "Modules" do not exist in either the 32-bit Windows environment or on the Mac. ModuleID is the same as taskID on those OS's.

The module methods exist in the Win32 and Mac Xtras mostly for backwards compatibility, although some methods return information, such as the path to the executable or the executable file type and creator that may be useful on those OS's.

mappGetModuleList ()

Returns: string of module information, one line per module in the following format
moduleName, moduleID, moduleFileName

Returns a string of all currently loaded modules, one per line. Return value may contain encoding for special characters. Since moduleName or moduleFileName might contain commas, mGetModuleIDs is a more bulletproof way of listing all modules.

moduleName is the executable name on the PC. On the Mac, it contains the executable's file type and creator. You can use this information on Mac to identify a particular application even if the application name itself varies from version to version or because it has been localized for a particular language.

moduleID is the same as taskID on Win32 and Mac platforms

moduleFileName is the full path to the executable on all platforms except NT, where it only contains the executable file name without the full path or extension.



put mappgetmodulelist()
-- "sdevappe,32,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:Control Strip Extension
FQWAappe,33,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:FAXQueue Watcher
ssrvappe,34,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:Folder Actions
osaMappe,35,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:OSA Menu
timsappe,36,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:Time Synchronizer
MACSFNDR,37,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Finder
notzAPPL,38,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Apple Menu Items:Stickies
1CLkAPPL,39,Big:Utilities:VersaTile:VersaTile Pro 1.6.5
MP02APPL,41,Big:Communications:Internet:Claris Emailer Folder:Claris Emailer Files:Notify Claris Emailer
BlWdAPPL,43,Big:HTML editors:Claris Home Page 3.0:Claris Home Page 3.0
MD95APPL,44,Big:Director 5:Director 5.0.1
R*chAPPL,45,Big:Text editors:BBEdit 4.0:BBEdit 4.0
hhggINIT,46,Macintosh HD:System Folder:Extensions:File Sharing Extension"


put mappgetmodulelist()

mappGetModuleIDs ()

Returns: string of moduleID's separated by spaces

Returns a string of the moduleIDs of all running modules, on one line,separated by spaces. Use 'word' to walk through the results. On 32-bit Win and Mac this does the same thing as mappGetTaskIDs


set moduleIDList = mappGetModuleIDs()

mappModuleTask ( moduleIDNum)

moduleIDNum: integer module ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer task ID or 0

Returns the taskID of the specified moduleID. Since they are both the same on Win32 and Mac, this is not a very useful method on those platforms.


set taskID = mappModuleTask(-1029093)

mappModuleFileName ( moduleIDNum)

moduleIDNum: integer module ID obtained from another method

Returns: string file path or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns the full path to a task's application file on every platform but Windows NT, where it only returns the file name without the full path or extension. Since module ID and task ID are the same on 32-bit Win and Mac, you can pass a task ID to it on those platforms. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.


set pathToApp = mappModuleFileName(-1029093)

mappHostAppFilename ()

Returns: string file path

Returns the full path to the application the Xtra is running out of.


set pathToHost = mappHostAppFilename ()

mappDirectorFilename ()

Returns: string file path

Returns the full path to Director authoring or to the Director projector. Synonym of mappHostAppFilename. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.


set pathToDirector = mappDirectorFilename ()

mappAuthorwareFilename ()

Returns: string file path

Authorware-only method. Returns the full path to Authorware authoring or to the Authorware runtime application. Synonym of mappHostAppFilename. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.


pathToAuthorware := mappAuthorwareFilename()

mappModuleName ( moduleIDNum)

moduleIDNum: integer module ID obtained from another method

Returns: string containing module name or string beginning with "Error:"

On the Mac, this is the app's creator and file type signatures,returned as an 8-character string. You can use this information on Mac to identify a particular application even if the application name itself varies from version to version or because it has been localized for a particular language. On Win32, this is a synonym for task name.


set modName = mappModuleName(-1029093)

mappModuleIsRunning ( moduleIDNum)

moduleIDNum: integer module ID obtained from another method

Returns: 0 if the module is no longer running. On Win returns the moduleID if the module is running, on Mac returns 1 if the moduleID is running.

On 32-bit Win and Mac, this is a synonym for mappTaskIsRunning. For cross-platform check, check for non-zero value to see if module is running.


if mappModuleIsRunning(moduleIDNum) then
end if

mappUnloadModule ( moduleIDNum)

moduleIDNum: integer module ID obtained from another method

Returns: 0 if the program's already quit, -4 if it's still running, -2 if taskID is invalid. It's not unusual to see -4 as a result. On Win32, -4 is *always* the result.

Forces a module to quit. On Win32 and Mac, this method is synonymous with mappRudeQuitTask. Under Win3.1, unloading a module will quit multiple instances using the module simultaneously.



mappHostAppModule ()

Returns: integer module ID

Returns the module ID of the app out of which MasterApp Xtra is running. On Win32 and Mac this method is synonymous with mappHostAppTask


set modID = mappHostAppModule ()

mappDirectorModule ()

Returns: integer module ID

Returns the module ID of the Director authoring app or projector. On Win32 and Mac this method is synonymous with mappDirectorTask


set modID = mappDirectorModule ()

mappAuthorwareModule ()

Returns: integer module ID

Authorware-only method. Returns the module ID of the Authorware authoring app or runtime executable. On Win32 and Mac this method is synonymous with mappAuthorwareTask


modID := mappAuthorwareModule ()

Window Methods

MasterApp's window methods return information about a process's windows which you can use to identify windows you want to send user input to, or otherwise control. MasterApp's window manipulation methods interact directly with system routines, which means that information that you pass to MasterApp methods or that is returned to you from MasterApp methods is not, for the most part, filtered. It is possible to crash the system by passing an invalid value for windowID and it is also possible to get some strange information back from the system under certain conditions.

Passing windowID's

Although the methods that accept a window ID contain some built-in error checking for invalid windows, do not pass 0 for a window ID to any method that manipulates a window. The Mac system can crash if passed a window ID of 0.

Parsing a returned window list

A couple of factors affect the information returned by mappGetParentWindowList and mappGetChildWindowList. First, windowName on Mac and both windowName and windowType on Win are strings. It is possible for either windowName or windowType to contain commas. That could cause code expecting to find another item of information in a particular item position to return the wrong item.

If you are cycling through a returned list looking for an exact match on window name, to retrieve window ID, and the string you are looking for does not contain commas, then it does not matter if commas or control characters create bogus lines and items in the window list. The name you are looking for will be in item 1 of some line of the windowlist and the windowID will be in item 2 of that line, even if some of the other lines are in disarray.

If you are looking for some other piece of information, such as window type, or you are listing out all window names, rather than looking for a specific one, you cannot rely on simple "item x of line y" parsing to return the correct information. Instead you should combine mappGetParentWindowIDs or mappGetChildWindowIDs and mappWindowName to extract the information like so:

-- Returns the first window found of a
-- particular type. Pass a string for
-- window type on Mac and PC
-- EX: set id = findwindowtype("30195868")
on findWindowType theType
  set windowID = 0
  set origList = mappGetParentWindowList()
  set winIDs = mappGetParentWindowIDs()
  set winList = []
  set ln = the number of lines in origList
  -- Make a Lingo list containing lines of window list
  repeat with x = 1 to ln
    append winList,line x of origList
  end repeat
  set w = the number of words of winIDs
  -- Cycle through window IDs and look for line that starts
  -- with the windowname for that ID
  repeat with x = 1 to w
    if windowID <> 0 then exit repeat
    set curid = value(word x of winIDs)
    if curid <> 0 then
      set curName = mappWindowName(curid)
      set lenName = length(curName)
      repeat with y = 1 to ln
        set curWin = getAt(winList,y)
        if char 1 to lenName of curWin = curName then
          -- If the beginning of this line matches the
          -- window name, then chop off the window name
          -- and the 3 following items which always
          -- contain valid numbers. What's left is
          -- the window type
          delete char 1 to lenName of curWin
          delete item 1 to 4 of curWin
          if curWin = theType then
            set windowID = curid
            exit repeat
          end if
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat  
  return windowID

mappGetParentWindowList ()

Returns: string containing window information, one window per line in the following format

windowName, windowID, parentWindowID, hasChildren, windowType

Returns a string of all top-level windows owned by all tasks. On Win, the windows are listed in front-to-back screen draw order, though not all of the reported windows may be visible or on-screen. The taskbar, or tool tip windows, are typically the first windows listed on Win32 platforms. On Mac the windows are generally returned in front-to-back task order with the windows of the frontmost task first. Windows not connected to any task appear at the end of the list. Hidden windows not seen by the user can appear on this list.

Top-level windows always have parentID 0, but the data format returned is the same data format returned by mappGetChildWindowList. Because windowNames might contain commas, using mappGetParentWindowIDs is more bulletproof.


-- Returns the windowID for the window name
-- you supply
-- EX: set winID = findAppWindow("Untitled")
on findAppMainWindow winName
  -- Assumes the winName you're looking for does not itself
  -- contain a comma
  set foundWin = 0
  set savDelim = the itemDelimiter
  set the itemDelimiter = ","
  set winList = mappgetparentwindowlist()
  set lns = the number of lines of winList
  repeat with x = 1 to lns
    set oneWin = line x of winList
    if item 1 of oneWin= winName then
      set foundWin = value(item 2 of oneWin)
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  set the itemDelimiter = savDelim
  return foundWin

mappGetParentWindowIDs ()

Returns: string containing window ID's separated by spaces

Returns the windowID's of all top-level windows, on one line,separated by spaces. Use 'word' to walk through the results. On Windows, mappGetParentWindowIDs returns results in front-to-back draw order. On Mac the windows are generally returned in front-to-back task order with the windows of the frontmost task first. Windows not connected to any task appear at the end of the list. Hidden windows not seen by the user can appear on this list.


set windIDList = mappGetParentWindowIDs()

mappGetChildWindowList ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string containing window information, one line per window in format or string beginning with "Error:"

windowName, windowID, parentWindowID, hasChildren, windowType

Returns a string of all child windows owned by the window. Since windowName might contain commas, mappGetChildWindowIDs is a more bulletproof way of listing all child windows. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.


set winList = mappGetChildWindowList(28029632)

mappGetChildWindowIDs( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string containing window ID's separated by spaces or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns a string of all child windows owned by the window, on one line, separated by spaces. Use 'word' to walk though the results.


set winIDList = mappGetChildWindowIDs(28029632)

mappWindowParent ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID

Returns the windowID of the parent of the supplied window or 0 if it's a top-level window, or -1 if the supplied windowID can't be found.


-- Returns TRUE if windowID is a child of the
-- window name supplied
-- EX: set rightParent = isChildOfParentNamed(13577236,"Message")
on isChildOfParentNamed windowID,parentNameLookingFor
  set rightParent = FALSE
  set parentWin = mappWindowParent(windowID)
  if mappWindowName(parentWin) = parentNameLookingFor then
    set rightParent = TRUE
  end if
  return rightParent

mappGetWindowParent ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID

Returns the windowID of the parent of the supplied window or 0 if it's a top-level window, or -1 if the supplied windowID can't be found.


set parentID = mappGetWindowParent(28029632)

mappSetWindowParent ( windowIDNum, newParentWindowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
newParentWindowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID or 0

Win32-only method. Assigns a new parent to a window. Returns the windowID of the previous parent of the supplied window if successful or 0 if not successful.

You can use this with some applications to make the target window appear within the confines of the newly-assigned parent window, and make it behave as if it is part of the new parent app when windows are redrawn or when the new parent is sent to back or moved to front. For instance specifying the Director stage for an application's main window's parent may make the application appear as though it is integrated within Director. This does not work with all apps and so requires testing. It may produce strange behavior, depending on how the app is coded.


set result = mappSetWindowParent(233,466)

mappGetHighestWindowParent ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID or -1

Returns the windowID of the parent window highest up in the hierarchy for the supplied window or -1 if the supplied window ID is invalid. This is useful for dialog widget windows or tool palette widget windows when you want to find out what main application window owns them. Simply getting the parent of such a widget will only return the dialog or palette window they are a part of.


-- Returns TRUE if window supplied is a descendent
-- of the window name supplied
-- EX: set inHierarchy = isDescendentOf(13577236,"Message")
on isDescendentOf windowID,parentNameLookingFor
  set rightParent = FALSE
  set topWin = mappGetHighestWindowParent(windowID)
  if mappWindowName(topWin) = parentNameLookingFor then
    set rightParent = TRUE
  end if
  return rightParent

mappWindowName( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string window name or "Error: invalid windowID"

Returns the window name of the supplied windowID. Useful at runtime for determining the windowID of a window you want to target. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.

Also useful as an alternative method for communicating with another external application. The two applications can communicate by changing the window name of a window created and placed off screen by one of the applications. You must be able to code the external app to use this approach. It won't work with a commercial application.

This is by no means the most efficient way for two applications to communicate with each other,but it's good for triggering events or passing small amounts of data(such as filenames) between applications. Also, unlike AppleEvents or Windows DDE messaging, the same basic approach will work on both Mac and Windows. MasterApp wasn't developed for this purpose, but some enterprising MasterApp customers have used this technique with success.


-- Reads the name of a window and interprets it
-- as data from other application
-- EX: readMessage(33432)
on readMessage windowID
  set newData = value(mappWindowName(windowID))
  case newData of
    1:set msg = "External processing starting ..."
    2:set msg = "External processing finished"
    3:set msg = "Error in processing"
      set msg = ""
  end case
  put msg into field "Status"

mappGetWindowName ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string window name or "" if window ID is invalid

Returns the window name of the supplied windowID. Synonym for mappWindowName.


set nam = mappGetWindowName(8899)

mappSetWindowName ( windowIDNum, newNameString )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
newNameString: string containing new name for window

Returns: integer status, 0 if successful, nonzero if an error occurs

Sets the specified window's name. This may have side effects if the app does not expect the window's name to change. Returns 0 if successful, or nonzero if an error occurs (typically, a bad windowID supplied).

You can set up a type of inter-app communication using this method.


-- Changes the window name of a window at intervals
-- to create a blinking message, then returns the
-- name to the original
-- EX: warningMsg(8899,"-Danger!-",5,30)
-- Will blink the title Danger 5 times at 30 tick intervals
on warningMsg windowID, msgText, times, interval
  set savedName = mappGetWindowName(windowID)
  repeat with x = 1 to times
    mappSetWindowName ( windowID, msgText )
    set waitUntil = the timer + interval
    repeat while the timer < waitUntil
    end repeat
    mappSetWindowName ( windowID, "" )
    set waitUntil = the timer + interval
    repeat while the timer < waitUntil
    end repeat
  end repeat
  mappSetWindowName ( windowID, savedName )

mappWindowHasChildren ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer TRUE(1) or FALSE(0)

Returns TRUE if the window has child windows, false if not or if the supplied windowID is invalid. Useful for sifting through the hierarchy of one parent window to see if any of the descendants match a particular criteria.


-- Returns a list of grandchild windows of given window
-- EX: set gList = grandKids(87888)
on grandKids windowID
  set winList = []
  set topList = mappGetChildWindowIDs(windowID)
  set num = the number of words of topList
  repeat with x = 1 to num
    set oneWin = value(word x of topList)
    if mappWindowHasChildren(oneWin) then
      set sublist = mappGetChildWindowIDs(oneWin)
      set subtot = the number of words of subList
      repeat with y = 1 to subtot
        set grandWin = value(word y of subList)
        if not getOne(winList,grandWin) then
          append winList,grandWin
        end if 
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return winList

mappWindowType ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string window type or "" if supplied window ID is invalid

Returns the type of window. On the Mac, this is always an integer, but this method returns a string containing the integer, for compatibility with the Win version where windowTypes can be strings.


set winType = mappWindowType(324)

mappGetWindowType ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string window type or "" if supplied window ID is invalid

Synonym for mappWindowType, for compatibility with earlier releases.


-- Cycle through task's windows looking for
-- window of particular type
-- EX: set winID = findTaskWinOfType(43,"Main")
on findTaskWinOfType taskID,typeString
  set foundWin = 0
  set winList = mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID)
  set num = the number of words of winList
  repeat with x = 1 to num
    set id = value(word x of winList)
    if mappGetWindowType ( id) = typeString then
      set foundWin = id
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return foundWin    

mappWindowIsVisible ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer TRUE(1) or FALSE(0)

Returns TRUE if the window is displayed (but possibly obscured), or FALSE if it's hidden or the windowID was invalid


if mappWindowIsVisible(windowID) then
   set windowCount = windowCount + 1
end if

mappFindWindow ( windowName, windowType )

windowName: string specifying window name to look for or 0
windowType: string specifying window type to look for or 0

Returns: integer window ID or string beginning with "Error:"

32-bit Window only method. Get a windowID for the first parent window matching the windowName and windowType. For windowName, supply a string to check a windowName, or 0 for all windowNames. For windowType, supply a string to check a windowType, or 0 for all windowTypes. Returns a string for an error, or an integer with the first found windowID. Example: see if Windows Paint accessory is running with syntax like this: set alreadyRunning = integerP(mappFindWindow(0,"MSPaintApp"))

You can use this method on Windows to solve the problem of an overeager user whose feverish double-clicking at startup causes more than one copy of the projector to launch. Have the projector check for a window type of "ASIMainWndClass" for Director 6.* and earlier projectors or "ImlWinCls" (third letter is a lower-case L) for D7, and quit if a copy is already running.


on startMovie
   -- Quit if another D7 projector is running
   if the platform = "Windows,32" then
      if not stringP(mappFindWindow(0,"ImlWinCls")) then
      end if
   end if
   -- Substitute code for the Mac
-- Returns windowID of top level window for
-- task that corresponds to name. Does not
-- expect window name to contain a comma.
-- EX: set winID = findWindowNamed("MainApp",54)
on findWindowNamed theName,taskID
  set winID = 0
  set winList = mappGetTaskWindowList(taskID)
  set ln = the number of lines of winList
  set savDelim = the itemDelimiter
  set the itemDelimiter = ","
  repeat with x = 1 to ln
    set oneWin = line x of winList
    if item 1 of oneWin = theName then
      set winID = value(item 2 of oneWin)
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  set the itemDelimiter = savDelim
  return winID

mappGetActiveWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Returns windowID of the frontmost window (0 if no windows are visible or active). Note: this only applies to windows owned by the Director/Authorware task. Usually returns the same window as mappDirectorStageWindow in projectors, but could also return authoring-time windows, MIAWs, or Xtra- or XObject-owned windows.


set winID = mappGetActiveWindow()
if mappWindowType(winID) = "Tool" then
end if

mappSetActiveWindow ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID of top level parent window obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID of previously active window or 0 if unsuccessful

Sets a window owned by Director/Authorware authoring or the Director/Authorware standalone to be the frontmost, active window (making it visible, if it's hidden). Use mappWindowToFront with other applications.

Director normally expects to activate its own windows, and its notion of which window is active or frontmost may become confused when using this command. If so, then sending fake mouse clicks to activate the window may avoid this. This method will automatically bring the Director task to the front, if it's not already. Use this method with caution, as it can take over mouse and keyboard input.



mappGetForegroundWindow ( )

Returns: integer window ID

Win32-only method. Returns the windowID that the user is currently working with. Can be easier to use than mappGetParentWindowList() or mappGetParentWindowIDs(), since it doesn't return floating Windows Explorer task bar windowID's, etc.


set winID = mappGetForegroundWindow ( )
   if mappGetWindowName(winID) <> "Main" then
end if

mappSetForegroundWindow ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer 1 if successful, 0 if not

Win32-only method. Changes front to back draw order and gives the window's task higher priority for processor time slices. Similar to mappWindowToFront, but more immediate.


-- Cycle through task's windows looking for
-- particular window name and make it 
-- foreground window
-- EX: set winID = makeForeground(43,"Main")
on makeForeground taskID,windowName
  set foundWin = 0
  set winList = mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID)
  set num = the number of words of winList
  repeat with x = 1 to num
    set id = value(word x of winList)
    if mappGetWindowName ( id) = windowName then
      set foundWin = id
      mappSetForegroundWindow (foundWin)
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return foundWin    

mappGetKeyboardInputWindow ( )

Returns: integer window ID

On Windows, this is a distinct system call. On the Mac, there is no such call,so this method is just a synonym for mappGetActiveWindow on the Mac.


set winID = mappGetKeyboardInputWindow ( )

mappSetKeyboardInputWindow ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID of window previously receiving keyboard input or 0 if not successful

Sets the windowID to receive keyboard events. Supply 0 if you want keyboard input to be ignored. On Windows, this is a distinct system call, with no Mac equivalent; therefore, on the Mac, this method is just a synonym for mappSetActiveWindow.


mappSetKeyboardInputWindow (34343)

mappCaptureMouseInput ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer window ID of window previously receiving mouse input or 0 if not successful

Directs mouse input to the specified Director/Authorware authoring or Director/Authorware projector window. For use only with the host app's windows. The supplied windowID must already be frontmost. This allows a window to react to mouse movement outside its rectangle. This doesn't prevent other windows from being activated by mouse clicks.

On Windows, this is a distinct system call. On the Mac, there is no such call, so this method is just a synonym for mappSetActiveWindow on the Mac.


mappCaptureMouseInput (3434)

mappReleaseMouseInput ( )

Returns: no return value

Reverses effect of mappCaptureMouseInput. Frees mouse input to be received normally. No return value. On the Mac, this method does nothing, because there's no Mac equivalent for this Windows system call.


mappReleaseMouseInput ( )

mappGetParentWindowTopChild ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method or 0 to get the top window on the entire screen

Returns: integer window ID or 0 if unsuccessful or there is no top child

Returns the topmost child window of the supplied parent windowID. May return a 'floating palette' window, such as Director's 'Control Panel' window. Supply 0 if you want the top window on the screen. This can tell you if the Windows taskbar is showing, if the windowType of the returned top window is 'Shell_TrayWnd'.

Windows window architecture differs from Mac. On Windows, each app has a parent window which may contain other windows (entirely within the parent). On the Mac, parent windows may appear anywhere on the desktop, and the only "child" windows they can have are controls such as a scrollbar or an edit field. On the Mac, therefore, this method simply returns the first control owned by a window or 0 if there are no controls.


set topWin = mappGetParentWindowTopChild(0)
if mappGetWindowType(topWin) = "Shell_TrayWnd" then
   -- taskbar is showing
end if

mappGetDesktopWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Gets a windowID for the desktop, the screen 'parent' of every parent window on Windows. Returns the windowID of the Mac desktop itself (which may include multiple screens). If you are trying to get the desktop dimensions, Director's own "the desktopRectList" is a better option.


set desktop = mappGetDesktopWindow ()

mappGetWindowOutsideRect ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string containing 4 coordinates of specified window or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns a window's dimensions, relative to the main screen, including any title bar area and window border as a four-word string of integers in the order: left, top,right, bottom. Some apps (Director itself included), that expect to maintain child window dimensions privately, may return values that are offset from true screen coordinates; testing is required for each app with which you use this method.


-- Returns list containing horizontal and vertical
-- dimensions of a window
-- EX: put windimensions(202256)
-- [404, 377]
on winDimensions windowID
  set h = 0
  set v = 0
  set theRect = mappGetWindowOutsideRect(windowID)
  if offset("Error:",theRect) = 0 then
    set h = value(word 3 of theRect) - value(word 1 of theRect)
    set v = value(word 4 of theRect) - value(word 2 of theRect)
  end if
  return list(h,v)

mappGetWindowInsideRect ( windowIDNum)

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: string containing 4 coordinates of specified window's content area or string beginning with "Error:"

Returns the dimensions of a window's content area as a four-word string of integers in the order: left, top,right, bottom. Does not include title bar or window border. Some apps (Director itself included), that expect to maintain child window dimensions privately, may return values that are offset from true screen coordinates; testing is required for each app with which you use this method.


set contentArea = mappGetWindowInsideRect(23232)

mappSetWindowOutsideRect ( windowIDNum, leftNum, topNum, rightNum, bottomNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
leftNum: integer value for left window coordinate
topNum: integer value for top window coordinate
rightNum: integer value for right window coordinate
bottomNum: integer value for bottom window coordinate

Returns: 0 if successful, 1 if supplied dimensions are invalid, 2 if supplied window ID is not valid

Sets outside window rectangle dimension and window position. You can move or resize a window based on the dimensions you provide. This method behaves differently on Mac and Windows. On Windows, if you change the window size, the entire window and its controls are redrawn to the new size. On the Mac, scroll bars and other window content may not adjust to the new window size and become unusable. Therefore, on the Mac, it's best to change only the position of the window while maintaining its size. For better window sizing results on the Mac simulate a user resize with mappFakeMouseDrag.


-- Moves window above menu bar
-- EX: off screen(37273)
on offScreen windowID
  set theRect = mappGetWindowOutsideRect(windowID)
  if offset("Error:",theRect) = 0 then
    set leftNum = value(word 1 of theRect)
    set topNum = value(word 2 of theRect)
    set rightNum = value(word 3 of theRect)
    set bottomNum = value(word 4 of theRect)
    set winHeight = bottomNum - topNum
    set offSet = bottomNum + winHeight + 10
    mappSetWindowOutsideRect(windowID,leftNum,topNum - offSet,rightNum,bottomNum - offSet)
  end if

mappSetWindowRect ( windowIDNum, leftNum, topNum, rightNum, bottomNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
leftNum: integer value for left window coordinate
topNum: integer value for top window coordinate
rightNum: integer value for right window coordinate
bottomNum: integer value for bottom window coordinate

Returns: 0 if successful, 1 if supplied dimensions are invalid, 2 if supplied window ID is not valid

Synonym for mappSetWindowOutsideRect, for compatibility with earlier versions.


mappSetWindowRect ( 23445, 10, 10, 310, 210 )

mappCloseWindow ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status,. On Mac, 0 if successful, 1 if supplied window ID is invalid, 2 if the window has no close box so cannot be closed. On Win, -1 if supplied window ID is invalid, -2 if window hasn't quit yet.

Simulates a mouse press on a window's close box. Normal behavior for Windows applications is to quit when the main window is closed, so this is the best way to quit a Windows app. Closing a window does not normally quit a Mac application. Use mappRudeQuitTask to quit a Mac app.

Only windows that are frontmost and whose tasks are frontmost can be closed on the Mac. Therefore, this method makes a window frontmost if it's not already, and then closes it immediately. It is up to you to move the window's task to the front with mappTaskToFront before trying to close the window. The example handler demonstrates how to do this for the Mac. Although the code will work on Win as well, having to move the task to the front is a Mac requirement.

On the Mac, this method does not work if the window does not have a close box. Also, a window may not have a close box until it's frontmost. Not all apps really close the window when the close box is pressed. For instance Director authoring just hides a window when the close box is pressed. In the cases where mappCloseWindow does not work, you may need to send a fake menu command to close the window, or send a fake mouse press to some interface gadget within the window area itself, or use mappHideWindow instead.

On the Mac, the default value MasterApp uses for the center of the close box is 8 pixels from the top of the window title bar, and 14 pixels from the left (pre System 8) or 8 pixels from the left (System 8 and later). You can change these values with the mappSetCloseBoxOffset method. This method is useful when you need to use mappCloseWindow on non-Roman systems or with extensions like 'Aaron' or the System 8 Appearance Manager that alter the look of window title bars. Use mappFindWindowPart to get information about the location of the current close box. mappFindWindowPart only returns information about Director's own windows, but since the close and zoom boxes in title bars of all windows are in the same place, information you derive from a Director window applies to any window of the same type. You may have to create a Movie In A Window and position it off screen in order to get a window with a close box, since the stage won't have a close box.

On the Mac, a floating palette window may have a different window bar appearance from, for instance, a standard document window, and therefore different close and zoom box locations. You would need to adjust the close box offset accordingly to close such a window.

After issuing a closeWindow you want to give other applications as well as Director itself an opportunity to redraw the areas that may have been under the window that closed. Do this with mappFeedGenericTimeslice for other apps. Lingo's "set the stage color to the stage color" will redraw the Director stage.


-- Moves the task to front and feeds timeslices
-- to insure a successful closeWindow on Mac
-- EX: macCloseWindow(23445,43)
on macCloseWindow windowID,taskID
  set waitLimit = 2 * 60
  if not(windowID > 0) or not(taskID > 0) then
    repeat while not (integer(word 1 of mappGetTaskOrder()) = taskID)
    end repeat
    set stopWaiting = the ticks + waitLimit
    repeat while the ticks < stopWaiting and mappWindowExists(windowID)
    end repeat
  end if

mappSetCloseBoxOffset ( horOffsetNum, verOffsetNum )

horOffsetNum: integer number of pixels center of window's close box left edge is from left of window
integer number of pixels center of window's close box top edge is from top of window

Returns: no return

Mac-only method. Allows you to change the default assumption about the location of a window's close box. Affects mappCloseWindow.


mappSetCloseBoxOffset ( 20, 20 )

mappFindWindowPart ( xLocNum, yLocNum )

xLocNum: integer horizontal coordinate
yLocNum: integer vertical coordinate

Returns: integer code for window part or negative number for error.


Window Part


outside any of Director/Authorware's windows


in menu bar


in desk accessory window that's been launched in Director/Authorware's memory partition


window content area (except any size boxes)


title bar


size box (active windows only)


close box


zoom box (standard state)


zoom box (user's state)


windowshade box


Mac-only method. Allows you to find what part of a window belonging to Director/Authorware authoring or to a Director/Authorware projector is under the specified coordinate. Only applies to the Director/Authorware task's own windows but information about the menu bar, title bar, close, size and zoom boxes applies to all windows of the same type, since those elements are the same for all application windows. Dimensions are relative to the top left of the screen with the Finder menu bar. The window must be visible, otherwise the return is always 0.

Gadgets 7 and 8, zoom box standard state and zoom box user's state both occupy the same position on the menu bar right now, although they could become two separate gadgets in different locations in some future version of the Mac OS. The current state of the window determines which gadget occupies the spot. For instance if the user has resized the window, the standard state gadget (7) will be in that position to allow the user to restore the window to standard state. Otherwise the user state button will be in that position to allow the user to resize the window. You can tell from the window part returned, what the current state of the window is and therefore what will happen next if the user or MasterApp clicks the zoom box. But this will only work for Director's own windows.


-- Find resize box of a Director window
-- Returns list containing hor and ver
-- coordinate to send start of mousedrag to
-- EX: put findResizeBox(12592448)
-- [1042, 683]
on findResizeBox windowID 
  set coords = [0,0]
  set theRect = mappGetWindowOutsideRect(windowID)
  if offset("Error:",theRect) = 0 then
    set rightNum = value(word 3 of theRect)
    set bottomNum = value(word 4 of theRect)
    repeat with x = 1 to 50
      repeat with y = 1 to 20
        set h = rightNum - x
        set v = bottomNum - y
        if mappFindWindowPart(h,v) = 5 then
          set coords = [h,v]
          exit repeat
        end if
      end repeat
      if coords <> [0,0] then
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
  return coords

mappWindowExists ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer TRUE(1) or FALSE (0)

Returns TRUE if the window still exists, FALSE if not.


set exists = mappWindowExists(57438)

mappWindowToFront ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: windowID of window previously in front or 0 if unsuccessful

Brings a window to the front. If the window's application is not already in front, it will be made frontmost. Use this method before directing simulated user input to a window.


on sendChar windowID,charToType

mappWindowToBack ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status code 0 if successful, -1 if another error occurred

Sends a window to the back.

On the Mac, this only affects the drawing order of windows within each application's window list. You can not move applications to the back this way. Use mappWindowToFront on the window you want frontmost instead.



mappHideWindow ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status code 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred

Hides a visible window and makes its application frontmost if it's not already. An app might not realize its window is hidden. For instance, the Director authoring windows may need to be selected twice in the menus to reappear.


-- Toggle window visibility on and off
-- EX: toggleVis(78737)
on toggleVis windowID
  set vis = mappWindowIsVisible(windowID)
  if vis = TRUE then
  end if

mappShowWindow ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status code 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred

Shows a hidden window (and makes its application frontmost if it's not already). To subsequently interact with the window, use mappSetActiveWindow or mappWindowToFront right after this method.



mappMinimizeWindow ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status code 0 if successful, 1 if an error occurred

On Windows, reduces the window to an icon on the Windows toolbar if that window is capable of minimizing. Some document sub-windows may minimize to a floating or tiled window bar instead. Use mappWindowToFront on both platforms before this method.

On Mac, since there is no "minimize", it is equivalent to the user clicking the window's zoom box. This method, on Mac, will only return the window to normal state if the window is currently in a zoomed state.

Since MasterApp actually sends a click to the zoom box on the Mac, this method will fail if the zoom box is not in the default system position on the window. That can happen if the user has customized window appearance for the system or if a particular application offers a "classic appearance" preference that makes its windows assume their own custom appearance rather than the general system look. You can override the default location of the standard state zoom gadget in the window title bar with mappSetStandardZoomOffset.


-- Moves window to front and "clicks"
-- window's zoom box
-- EX: minimizeWin(78333)
on minimizeWin windowID

mappRestoreWindow ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status code 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred

On Windows, restores a window to normal state after it has been minimized. On the Mac, this method is a synonym for mappMaximizeWindow which simulates a click on the zoom box.



mappMaximizeWindow ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: integer status code 0 if successful, 1 if an error occurred

On Windows, expands a window to its maximum size, which usually means full screen size for an application's main window. A document window will usually expand to fill the application main window area. Use mappWindowToFront on both platforms before this method.

On Mac, since there is no "minimize", it is equivalent to the user clicking the window's zoom box. This method, on Mac, will only zoom the window if the window is currently not in a zoomed state. If the window is currently zoomed, it will return to normal state when this method is used.

Since MasterApp actually sends a click to the zoom box on the Mac, this method will fail if the zoom box is not in the default system position on the window.



mappSetUserZoomOffset ( horPixelNum, verPixelNum )

horPixelNum: integer number of pixels center of window's zoom box is from right of window
integer number of pixels center of window's zoom box is from top of window

Returns: no return

There is no use for this method currently, because the user zoom box and the standard zoom box refer to the same gadget in the window title bar. In a future Mac system they may become separate gadgets, necessitating the use of both methods. However, whenever you set mappSetStandardZoomOffset you should also use this method to set the user zoom to the same value since currently one physical gadget on the window performs both functions.



mappSetStandardZoomOffset ( horPixelNum, verPixelNum )

horPixelNum: integer number of pixels center of window's zoom box is from right of window
integer number of pixels center of window's zoom box is from top of window

Returns: no return

Allows you to override the MasterApp default assumption that the center of the standard zoom gadget is located 8 pixels down from the top of the window title bar and either 14 pixels in from the right of the window (pre System 8) or 24 pixels in from the right of the window (System 8 or above). This can be useful on non-Roman system versions, or when third-party extensions like 'Aaron' or the Apple Appearance Control Panel change the layout of the window title bars. Use mappFindWindowPart to determine this information for Director's own windows on non-Roman systems. Since the close and zoom boxes in title bars of all windows of the same type are in the same place, information you derive from a Director window applies to any window of the same type.


-- Looks for the zoom box and resets zoom box click
-- target point. Only needed on non-US systems
-- or when layout of window has been
-- changed
-- EX: adjustZoomOffset(7838)
on adjustZoomOffset windowID
  set hOff = 0
  set vOff = 0
  set found = FALSE
  set sys = float(mappGetSystemVersion( ))
  if sys < 8 then
     set horOffset = 14
     set horOffset = 24
  end if
  set theRect = mappGetWindowOutsideRect(windowID)
  if offset("Error:",theRect) = 0 then
    set rightNum = value(word 3 of theRect)
    set topNum = value(word 2 of theRect)
    set checkForZoomBox = mappFindWindowPart(rightNum - horOffset,topNum + 8)
    if checkForZoomBox <> 8 and (checkForZoomBox <> 7)then
      repeat with x = 1 to 50
        repeat with y = 1 to 20
          set h = rightNum - x
          set v = topNum + y
          set partUnderPoint = mappFindWindowPart(h,v)
          if partUnderPoint = 8 or (partUnderPoint = 7) then
            set found = TRUE
            set hOff = x
            set vOff = y
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
        if found = TRUE then
          exit repeat
        end if
      end repeat
    end if
    if found = TRUE then
    end if
  end if

mappDirectorStageWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Director-only method. Returns the windowID of the Director or projector stage. On the Mac,this is the same window as the one returned by mappDirectorMainWindow. This windowID can change if the monitor color depth or size is changed on the fly.


set windowID = mappDirectorStageWindow()

mappHostAppMainWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Returns the main windowID for this Xtra's host application on the PC. For Director this is the parent of the parent of the stage window.

On the Mac this is a synonym for mappDirectorStageWindow in Director or mappAuthorwarePresentationWindow in Authorware.


set windowID = mappHostAppMainWindow()

mappDirectorMainWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Director-only method. Returns the main windowID of Director or the projector. On the Mac, this is the same window as the stage itself. Synonym for mappHostAppMainWindow.


set windowID = mappDirectorMainWindow()

mappAuthorwareMainWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Authorware-only method. Synonym for mappHostAppMainWindow.


windowID := mappAuthorwareMainWindow()

mappAuthorwarePresentationWindow ()

Returns: integer window ID

Authorware-only method.


windowID := mappAuthorwarePresentationWindow()

mappKeepOnTop ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: "OK" or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Window is displayed on top of all other windows, even when other app's windows are activated. Useful for making a Director projector behave like a floating tool palette.


on startMovie
  set windowID = mappDirectorMainWindow

mappDontKeepOnTop ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

Returns: "OK" or string beginning with "Error:"

Reverses effect of mappKeepOnTop.



Launch Methods

MasterApp's Launch family of methods can either launch an application with no initial document open, or launch an application with the document specified in the commandLineArgsString parameter. This allows you to open a document with an application other than its creator, if the application understands how to open the document type.

How the launch methods work

On both platforms MasterApp sends an open message to the system with the path to the application in the appPathString argument. If the second argument, commandLineArgString, contains a document path, this is passed along to the system as well.

Because both paths are being interpreted by the system and not Director itself, you must pass paths that the system understands. Director's relative path symbols will not work because the system does not know how to interpret them. Use mappLocateExecutable to find the full path to an application. You can use Director's "the moviePath" function to build the path to a document located relative to your Director movie like so:

if the machineType = 256 then
   set pathDelim = "\"
   set pathDelim = ":"
end if
set docPath = the moviePath & "Docs" & pathDelim & "Mydoc.txt"

The reason the second argument is called commandLineArgString instead of simply docPath, is because the contents of the parameter are appended as a command line argument to the executable path with a space in between. The mappLaunch methods are the equivalent of typing the executable path, followed by the command line param into the Windows Run dialog box ( Start Menu -> Run )

Some applications accept other command line parameters in addition to or instead of a document path. Check the application's documentation for a list of parameters. For instance, the following causes Notepad to open and print a document:

Typed into Run Dialog:


Issued from mappLaunch:


The following causes Acrobat to launch without a splash screen:


Issued from mappLaunch:


Current versions of both Internet Explorer and Netscape on the PC running on a 32-bit operating system will accept a URL as the command line argument. This enables you to launch a particular browser and go directly to a URL like so:

mappLaunch("C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape.exe","")

Use mappLocateExecutable first to find the path to a particular browser from its executable name. Director's own "goToNetPage" command can do something similar to this, but it launches the user's default browser rather than one you specify.

If you are launching a 16-bit application on 32-bit Win, use mappGetShortFileName to convert the file paths of both the application and the document to 8.3 DOS paths before passing them. If you are not sure if the application you will be launching is 16-bit it is safest to convert the file paths to short paths. 32-bit apps can handle either short or long file paths.


On the Mac, there is no such thing as a command line argument. You must pass either a full document path or "" for the commandLineArgString parameter.

Troubleshooting failed launches

Use the value that the launch methods return to find out why a launch did not happen. Your code must look for a string on the PC (32-bit environment) which contains the Win32 API launch error number or a negative return on the Mac which is a Mac system error. Be careful not to regard a negative return value as an error on both platforms, since PC task ID's on Win95 and Win98 are negative.

The following are the most common reasons why applications fail to launch:

mappLaunch ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

appPathString: string containing full path to executable
commandLineArgsString: string containing optional command line arguments or ""

Returns: integer task ID on Win32 and Mac, instance ID on Win 3.1 . If there is an error, returns a negative number that is a Mac standard system error code on Mac or string beginning with "Error: CreateProcess() failed, code " on Win32 containing a Win system error code.

Opens the application specified in appPathString. If commandLineArgsString contains a document path, opens the document with the application. If the application is already open, usually that app will come to the front. An application must be programmed to respond in this way, so it is possible to encounter an app that does not automatically move to the front.


set err = mappLaunch("C:\WINDOWS.95\NOTEPAD.EXE","")

mappLaunchButDontActivate ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

appPathString: string containing full path to executable
commandLineArgsString: string containing optional command line arguments or ""

Returns: integer task ID on Win32 and Mac, instance ID on Win 3.1 . If there is an error, returns a negative number that is a Mac standard system error code on Mac or string beginning with "Error: CreateProcess() failed, code " on Win32 containing a Win system error code.

Similar to mappLaunch, but usually won't switch an already running application to the front, and won't launch new applications in front. Whether or not the already-running app switches to the front depends on how the app is programmed.

Some applications may not be able to launch but not activate. Testing is required. Supplying a document may cause the app to move itself to the front anyway.


set err = mappLaunchButDontActivate("Macintosh HD:Apps:Simple Text","")

mappLaunchHidden ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

appPathString: string containing full path to executable
commandLineArgsString: string containing optional command line arguments or ""

Returns: integer task ID on Win32 and Mac, instance ID on Win 3.1 . If there is an error, returns a negative number that is a Mac standard system error code on Mac or string beginning with "Error: CreateProcess() failed, code " on Win32 containing a Win system error code.

Launches an application but does not make it visible. Some applications may not be able to launch hidden. Testing is required.


set err = mappLaunchHidden("C:\PROGRAM FILES\ACRO\ACRORD32.EXE","D:\DOCS\MYDOC.PDF")

mappLaunchMinimized ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

appPathString: string containing full path to executable
commandLineArgsString: string containing optional command line arguments or ""

Returns: integer task ID on Win32 and Mac, instance ID on Win 3.1 . If there is an error, returns a negative number that is a Mac standard system error code on Mac or string beginning with "Error: CreateProcess() failed, code " on Win32 containing a Win system error code.

On Windows, launches the app iconized in the Windows task bar, if possible. There is no Mac equivalent so on the Mac this method is a synonym for mappLaunchButDontActivate.

Some applications may not be able to launch minimized. Testing is required.


set err = mappLaunchMinimized("D:\PROGRAM\BROWSER.EXE","")

mappLaunchMaximized ( appPathString, commandLineArgsString )

appPathString: string containing full path to executable
commandLineArgsString: string containing optional command line arguments or ""

Returns: integer task ID on Win32 and Mac, instance ID on Win 3.1 . If there is an error, returns a negative number that is a Mac standard system error code on Mac or string beginning with "Error: CreateProcess() failed, code " on Win32 containing a Win system error code.

On Windows, launches the app with its main window maximized to fill the screen. There is no Mac equivalent so on the Mac this method is a synonym for mappLaunch.

Some applications may not be able to launch maximized. Testing is required.


set err = mappLaunchMaximized("D:\PROGRAM\BROWSER.EXE","")

Launch Utility Methods

These methods provide path and other information that can be used with the Launch group of methods. Additionally mappOpenDocument and mappPrintDocument provide a more direct way to open and print documents.

How documents are linked to applications

The launch utility methods mappLocateExecutable, mappOpenDocument and mappPrintDocument rely on an association made by the system between a document and its application. The same mechanism that makes an application launch when you double-click it on the desktop, allows these MasterApp methods to launch the right app. Mac and Windows systems handle the association process differently. Understanding how the two systems work will help you use the launch methods successfully.

On Windows, a file's extension associates it with an application. You can see the associations that are already set up on the system by choosing View -> Options from any Windows Explorer menu and clicking the File Types tab. Clicking the Edit button with any file type selected will show the actions the system can perform on a file of that type. The "open" action should always be listed. Clicking again on the Edit button with the "open" action highlighted will display the path to the application that will launch if the document is double-clicked.

The information displayed in View -> Options, is coming from the Windows Registry. An application's installer makes new file associations for its document types when it is installed. When you edit the information in View -> Options you are actually making changes to the registry. You can view the registry entries that make file associations directly by using the system utility REGEDIT.EXE and viewing the category HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

On the Mac, a file's creator code determines what application will open when you double-click it. A doc opens with an application that has the same creator code. You can view a Mac file's creator code with Apple's ResEdit which is available off of the updateStage download area. However a file's creator code is not actually stored inside the file itself. It is stored in the desktop database of the volume where the file resides. The path to the associated application is also stored in the desktop database.


If you have a problem launching an app by supplying a doc path in the launch utility methods, the first thing to try is to double-click it in Explorer or in the Mac Finder. If that doesn't work either, it is a system problem.

In addition to the previous launch troubleshooting suggestions, the most common problems in launching an app with a document are:

mappLocateExecutable ( filenameString )

filenameString: string containing either full path to a document, or string containing just an executable name

Returns: string path to executable registered to handle document or string path to folder containing executable if an executable name is specified, or string beginning with "Error:" followed by Win system error code on Win or string description of the error on Mac. Return value may contain encoding for special characters.

This method can take two different kinds of arguments. If you supply it with a document path, it returns the full path to the application registered to handle the document. If you supply it with just an executable name, it returns the full path to the folder containing the application.

Finding the application registered to handle a document

When you supply a full document path MasterApp uses either the Win system registry or the Mac's desktop database to locate the associated application. This is the preferable usage of the two because the lookup process does not take long.

On the Mac, MasterApp looks through the desktop database of all mounted disks in this order: volume on which document is located, all local volumes, all network volumes. As soon as some version of an application to match the document is found on some disk, the search is over.

Finding an application by name

On the Mac, you can supply the name of any file. It does not have to be an executable, although searching for an executable is far more useful. That means that the only way MasterApp has to distinguish between the two different kinds of arguments is by whether or not there are any path delimiters (:) in the string passed. If a path delimiter is in the argument string, MasterApp assumes the argument is the path to a document and tries to find the app associated with it. If there is no path delimiter in the argument string, MasterApp will return the path to the file itself, not its associated app.

When you supply just an executable name on the Mac, MasterApp searches though the volume catalog of all local volumes, then all network drives, until it finds the application. This can take quite awhile if the volumes are large.

On the PC, you have to supply the name of an executable for this alternate usage. If you supply the name of a document MasterApp will not find the path to the document - it will always return the path to the associated app.

When you supply an executable name on Windows, MasterApp searches for the application using any paths specified in the current DOS path and any paths specified in the Location section of WIN.INI. If the app is not found, the search ends there. On Win, the search does not continue through all mounted volumes as it does on Mac.

Many application installers create a registry entry that includes the full path to the installed application. Another alternative, if mappLocateExecutable fails, is to look up the executable name at this path using mappGetWindowsRegistry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\[program name]

where program name is the name of your EXE like so:

set path = mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Winword.exe","")


-- find the app associated with this doc
set appPath = mappLocateExecutable("C:\TEMP\BOOK.TXT")
-- find the path to this app
set appPath = mappLocateExecutable("NOTEPAD.EXE")

mappLocateAliases ( )

Returns: no return

Mac-only method. This method causes mappLocateExecutable to regard aliases as valid files when searching for an executable by supplied executable name. When mappLocateAliases is turned on, mappLocateExecutable may return the path to an alias. The default for mappLocateAliases is off. Use mappResolveAlias to find the actual path pointed to by an alias.



mappDontLocateAliases ( )

Returns: no return

Mac-only method. This method causes mappLocateExecutable to ignore aliases when searching for an executable by supplied executable name. The default for mappLocateAliases is off so there is no reason to use this method unless mappLocateAliases has previously been turned on.



mappResolveAlias ( filePathString )

filePathString: string containing full path to alias file

Returns: string path to original file if the file is an alias or string beginning with ":Error:"

Returns the file path of the real file that the supplied alias points to. Returns ":Error" if the file is not an alias. Note the initial colon, which distinguishes an error from a validly resolved file or folder on a hard drive named 'Error' Return value may contain encoding for special characters.


set realFile = mappResolveAlias ("Macintosh HD:Folder:IamAnAlias")

mappGetMenuBarHeight ( )

Returns: integer height of menu bar in pixels

Mac-only method. Returns the current height of the menu bar. Use this method to retrieve default state of menu bar before hiding it by changing its height. You cannot assume that the default normal height is 20 pixels. That is determined by the system script.

If you are running in a projector that has not installed menus, you should use Director's "installMenu" command to install a menu temporarily before trying to read the menu bar height.

  1. Make a field cast member called say "fakemenu" with minimal text to create a small menu:
    menu: @
    menu: File
    Quit/Q( | nothing
  2. Use the following code to install the menu and set the height:

    installMenu "fakeMenu"


global saveMenuHeight
installMenu "fakeMenu"
set saveMenuHeight = mappGetMenuBarHeight()
   installMenu 0 -- remove the menu

mappSetMenuBarHeight ( pixelNumber )

pixelNumber: integer height of menu bar in pixels

Returns: integer previous menu bar height in pixels

Mac-only method. You can use this method to hide the menu bar. You may also have to use it to restore a normal menu bar after launching some applications. To hide the menu bar, set its height to 2 rather than 0. Setting it to 0 will not always hide it but setting it to 2 will, because that makes it too small to display.


on hideMenuBar
   global saveMenuHeight
   set saveMenuHeight = mappGetMenuBarHeight()


Returns: no return

Mac-only method. Turns on menu bar fixing for launched external applications. When the previous XObject version of MasterApp was used to launch another application from a Mac projector that did not have a menu installed, some apps, such as Acrobat, would display their menu bar obscured behind another blank menu bar or would not display a menu bar at all. That's because the projector had set the menu bar height to 0.

This property, which is MasterApp's default state, fixes the problem automatically by setting the menu bar height to a default of 20 (unless another value has been set by mappFixMenuBarHeight) before launching the external application, then setting it back to 0 when the projector is the foreground app. This method is new to the MasterApp Xtra and obviates the need for the previous workaround, which was to install a menu via Lingo's "installMenu" command and set the menu bar height to 20 before launching the external application.

Since this is MasterApp's default behavior, there is no need to use this method unless you have previously turned off menu bar fixing with mappDontFixMenuBarOnLaunch




Returns: no return

Mac-only method. Turns off the default menu bar fix. Only necessary if you don't want the launched application to display a menu.



mappFixMenuBarHeight ( pixelNumber )

pixelNumber: integer height of menu bar in pixels

Returns: no return

Mac-only method. Sets the menu bar height in pixels used by the menu bar fix. You may need to adjust the menu bar height from its default of 20 pixels if you are not running on a US system. Other systems may have different menu bar heights to accommodate their default system font. You can use mappGetSystemScript to determine if you are running on a non-US system, then install a temporary menu and use mappGetMenuBarHeight to determine the correct menu bar height to use.


on checkForeign
   -- If value not 0 (US System)
   if mappGetSystemScript() <> 0 then
      installMenu "fakeMenu"
      set menuHeight = mappGetMenuBarHeight()
      installMenu 0 -- remove the menu
   end if

mappGetSystemScript ( )

Returns: integer representing current system script

Mac-only method. The Mac system script is the current method used to show words on the screen. It is a set of properties that includes the current keyboard layout, the characters in the character set, and the ordering and formatting of the text on screen - for instance left to right or right to left. Because the system script governs the size of the characters it affects the height of the menu bar. The Roman system script (US systems and most European countries use the Roman script) has a menu bar height of 20.

System Script Values
0 Roman
1 Japanese
2 Traditional Chinese
3 Korean
4 Arabic
5 Hebrew
6 Greek
7 Cyrillic
8 Right-to-left symbols
9 Devanagari
10 Gurmukhi
11 Gujarati
12 Oriya
13 Bengali
14 Tamil
15 Telugu
16 Kannada/Kanarese
17 Malayalam
18 Sinhalese
19 Burmese
20 Khmer
21 Thai
22 Laotian
23 Georgian
24 Armenian
25 Simplified Chinese
26 Tibetan
27 Mongolian
28 Geez/Ethiopic
29 Extended Roman for Slavic and Baltic languages
30 Extended Roman for Vietnamese
31 Extended Arabic for Sindhi


set currentScript = mappGetSystemScript()

mappGetSystemRegion ( )

Returns: integer representing current system region

Mac-only method. A region code is a breakdown within a system script that further distinguishes how characters are represented on the screen. Because the system script and region govern the size of the characters, this system property affects the height of the menu bar.

This method is most useful for situations where an application name will vary depending on the language of the host system. For instance, French and English versions of an application might be named "Cats" in English and "Les Chats" in French. If you wanted to find the application on the task list at runtime you could first test the system region to find out what the system language was, and then you would know which application name to look for.

System Region Values
0 United States
1 France
2 Great Britain
3 Germany
4 Italy
5 Netherlands
6 French for Belgium and Luxembourg
7 Sweden
9 Denmark
10 Portugal
11 French Canada
13 Israel
14 Japan
15 Australia
16 the Arabic world
17 Finland
18 French for Switzerland
19 German for Switzerland
20 Greece
21 Iceland
22 Malta
23 Cyprus
24 Turkey
25 Croatian system for Yugoslavia
33 Hindi system for India
34 Pakistan
41 Lithuania
42 Poland
43 Hungary
44 Estonia
45 Latvia
46 Lapland
47 Faeroe Islands
48 Iran
49 Russia
50 Ireland
51 Korea
52 People's Republic of China
53 Taiwan
54 Thailand


set currentRegion = mappGetSystemRegion()

mappGetShortFileName ( filepathString )

filepathString: string containing long file path

Returns: string short DOS-style file path on PC, unmodified string on Mac

16-bit applications, even running under 32-bit Win systems, usually require DOS-style file paths. Use this method for converting long paths before passing them as arguments when launching 16-bit applications with any of the launch methods.


put mappGetShortFileName( "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\ _isetup.exe")

mappGetLongFileName ( filepathString )

filepathString: string containing short DOS-style file path

Returns: string containing long file path, unmodified string on Mac

Converts between MS-DOS 8.3 compliant short file names and long file names.


set longPath = mappGetLongFileName("C:\PROGRA`1\OUTLOO`1\_ISETUP.EXE")

mappOpenDocument ( docpathString )

docpathString: string full path to document

Returns: integer task ID on Mac, "OK" on Win32 or instance ID on Win 3.1 if successful. If there is an error, returns -1 for "File not found" on Mac, otherwise Mac standard system error codes on Mac or string beginning with "Error: couldn't launch application, error code " on Win32 containing a Win system launch error code.

On a 32-bit Win operating system, if you supply a URL in docPathString, the default browser will launch and connect to the URL if the user has set up the browser to auto-connect.


set err = mappOpenDocument("C:\TEMP\MANUAL.DOC")

mappPrintDocument ( docpathString )

docpathString: string full path to document

Returns: integer task ID on Mac, "OK" on Win32 or instance ID on Win 3.1 if successful. If there is an error, returns -1 for "File not found" on Mac, otherwise Mac standard system error codes on Mac or string beginning with "Error: couldn't launch application, error code " on Win32 containing a Win system launch error code.


set err = mappPrintDocument("D:\MAIN\HELP.TXT")

mappInstanceTask ( instanceIDNum )

instanceIDNum: integer instance ID returned from a previous call

Returns: integer task ID or 0 if unsuccessful

Useful only on 16-bit Windows platform where the launch methods return an instance ID rather than a task ID.


set taskID = mappInstanceTask(73827)

mappInstanceIsRunning ( instanceIDNum )

instanceIDNum: integer instance ID returned from a previous call

Returns: integer TRUE(1) or FALSE (0)

Returns TRUE if the app is still running. Useful only on 16-bit Windows platform where the launch methods return an instance ID rather than a task ID.


set stillRunning = mappInstanceIsRunning(38277)

mappUnloadInstance ( instanceIDNum, appOrDLL )

instanceIDNum: integer instance ID returned from a previous call
appOrDLL: string "app" or "dll" indicating what type of app the target instance is

Returns: 0 if the program's already quit, -4 if it's still running, -2 if taskID is invalid. It's not unusual to see -4 as a result. On Win32, -4 is *always* the result.

Useful only on 16-bit Windows platform. Synonym for mappRudeQuitTask on the Mac and 32-bit Win. On Mac, the appOrDLL param is irrelevant but must still contain a string.


set err = mappUnloadInstance(-38928,"app")

Input Simulation Methods

The input simulation family of methods enables you to send simulated user mouse clicks and drags, key presses and menu choices to an application to control the application from Director. On both Mac and Win systems, when a user performs a mouse or keyboard action, the system adds the action to the system event queue. The system event queue contains mouse and keyboard actions in the order that they happened. An application receives information about user actions by monitoring the event queue for actions intended for the application. This is called polling or processing the event queue.

What happens after an app retrieves an event from the queue differs on Mac and Win. On Win the system routes the event to the intended window. On Mac, the app decides which window to send the event to, based on which app and window are foremost at the time of the event.

MasterApp can use two approaches to simulate user input. It can add simulated events to the event queue on Mac and Win, or, on Win32 only, it can bypass the event queue, send an event message straight to the target window's procedure for handling that event, and wait for the window procedure to respond that it is done handling the event message. The input simulation methods that end in "wait" use the second technique.

Generally commercial apps respond to system messages in the same way, but not always. If the standard simulated input method doesn't work on Win32 systems, the corresponding "wait" method might work for these apps. Otherwise there is nothing that can be done about this because it is governed internally by the application's code.

The individual widgets such as buttons and text fields are considered child "windows" of their parent window. It may take some investigation to determine which window you should be sending your input to at runtime.

Two things that are key (no pun intended) to making simulated input work:

  1. The window receiving the input has to be frontmost on Mac and it's a good idea to make it frontmost on Win as well
  2. The application has to have some time to process the event queue after you have sent the event.

When a user is actually typing or mousing in an application the target window is always foremost. That's how the system expects things to work and that's what you generally ought to do with simulated input as well.

Also, you have to give the application some time to process the event queue after sending the input. Remember that as long as Lingo is processing further Lingo commands after you have sent the simulated input, the other application is not getting time to process the event queue and react to the input. You should use mappFeedGenericTimeslice after sending any simulated input command to cede time to the other process. You may have to adjust the amount of timeslice time to feed the other process depending on the system and the kind and frequency of the simulated input commands you are sending. The following "timeslice feeder" is a good handler to use for this:

on feedProcess waitTicks
  -- Make Director give over the specified processing time to allow
  -- other tasks to process
  -- EX: feedProcess(30)
  set waitOver = the ticks + waitTicks
  repeat while the ticks < waitOver
  end repeat

How to allow Director adequate processing time

If you are working with Director's own application windows, for instance if you are sending simulated input to type in a Director dialog or moving say, Director's cast window, you have to use a different strategy for giving "the application" (Director) time to check the event queue and process the events. Feeding timeslices is counterproductive here, because it feeds timeslices to applications OTHER than Director.

Director checks system queues and other system polling in the idle time between frames. No system polling happens while Director is executing code inside a handler, so a long repeat loop or sequence of Lingo commands will not work for manipulating Director's own windows. You must exit the current handler to allow idle time processing. The easiest way to do this is to put MasterApp simulated input methods or window operations intended for Director's own windows on separate frames. You can also create an object that issues commands in sequence on successive stepFrames, or use a timeoutscript.

mappFakeMouseClick ( windowIDNum , horPointNum, verPointNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
horPointNum: integer horizonal point relative to top/left corner of desktop
verPointNum: integer vertical point relative to top/left corner of desktop

Returns: 0

Simulates a mouse click and release at point(horPointNum,verPointNum) by putting the mouse click event into the event queue. If the windowID is not the frontmost window, this method makes it so before faking the mouse click on Mac. On Windows, the window is not automatically made frontmost. Supply 0 as the windowID if you don't want the click sent to any specific window. If you target a specific window, but the coordinates you specify fall outside of the window's area the click could activate other applications. This method cannot send clicks to menus, unfortunately. Use mappFakeCharCode to select menu items that have keyboard shortcuts.


on sendClick windowID,hor,ver
  -- Send a fake mouse click to a window
  -- If no horizontal and vertical coords are specified, send the
  -- click to the center of the window
  -- Coordinates are relative to desktop, not window
  -- EX: sendClick(2302,30,40) -- to point(30,40) on windowID 2302
  --     sendClick(2302) -- to window center
  if the paramCount = 1 then
    -- No coords passed in so calculate hor and ver for center
    -- of window
    set winRect = getWindowOutsideRect(windowID)
    set left = value(word 1 of winRect)
    set right = value(word 3 of winRect)
    set hor = left + integer((right - left) / 2)
    set top = value(word 2 of winRect)
    set bot = value(word 4 of winRect)
    set ver = top + integer((bot - top) / 2)
  end if
  if not (integerP(hor) and integerP(ver)) then exit

mappFakeMouseClickWait ( windowIDNum , horPointNum, verPointNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
horPointNum: integer horizonal point relative to top/left corner of desktop
verPointNum: integer vertical point relative to top/left corner of desktop

Returns: 0

On Win32, generates the same event as mappFakeMouseClick but sends it directly to the window rather than placing it in the event queue, and waits for the window to report that the event has been processed. On the Mac, a synonym for mappFakeMouseClick.



mappFakeMouseDrag ( windowIDNum, fromHorNum, fromVerNum, toHorNum, toVerNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
fromHorNum: integer horizonal point relative to top/left corner of desktop where drag should start
fromVerNum: integer vertical point relative to top/left corner of desktop where drag should start
toHorNum: integer horizonal point relative to top/left corner of desktop where drag should end
toVerNum: integer vertical point relative to top/left corner of desktop where drag should end

Returns: 0

Mac-only method. Simulates dragging the mouse from the "from" coordinate supplied to the "to" coordinate supplied in the specified window. Makes the window frontmost, if it's not already frontmost. Supply 0 as the windowID if you don't want the drag sent to any specific window.

This method will not work to make menu selections. Use mappFakeCharCode to select menu items using keyboard shortcuts.


-- Simulates user drag to resize a window.
-- Safer on Mac than changing window rect using
-- mappSetWindowOutsideRect
-- EX: dragResizeWin(38383,50)
on dragResizeWin windowID,pixels
  set theRect = mappGetWindowOutsideRect(windowID)
  if offset("Error:",theRect) = 0 then
    set pixels = pixels + 10
    set startH = value(word 3 of theRect) - 10
    set startV = value(word 4 of theRect) - 10
    set endH = startH + pixels
    set endV = startV + pixels
  end if

mappFakeCharacter ( windowIDNum , charString )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
charString: one-character string containing a printable (visible) character

Returns: 0

Sends a printable ASCII character in the range 1 to 127 by putting the character event on the event queue. Assumes the use of the standard US English keyboard layout. Use mappFakeCharCode to work with other keyboard layouts or languages.

Only editable text windows such as document windows or fields in dialogs will accept keyboard input. On the PC for most apps, the window must be of window type "Edit" to accept the characters. On the Mac, a document window will accept the characters. For a dialog box you may have to do some experimenting to see which "window" represents the field that will accept the characters.


on sendString windowID,theString
  -- Sends a string of printable characters to the specified windowID
  -- Brings the window to the front first
  -- EX: sendString(2302,"hi there")
  if windowID = 0 then exit
  if not stringP(theString) then exit
  set le = length(theString)
  repeat with x = 1 to le
    mappFakeCharacter(windowID,char x of theString)
  end repeat

mappFakeCharacterWait ( windowIDNum , charString )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
charString: one character string containing a printable (visible) character

Returns: 0

On Win32, generates the same event as mappFakeCharacter but sends it directly to the window rather than placing it in the event queue, and waits for the window to report that the event has been processed. On the Mac, a synonym for mappFakeCharacter.



mappFakeCharCode ( windowIDNum, charNum, codeNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
charNum: integer virtual keycode value obtained from formula
codeNum: integer modifier keycode value

Returns: 0

Sends a non-printable control code to the specified window, such as Escape or Ctrl-C, by putting the event into the event queue. Unlike fakeCharacter you do not have to send mappFakeCharCode to a text editing window.

However, some windows will not accept fake keycodes for some keys. For instance, it does not work to send a tab character to a dialog box to tab between text boxes or between default button choices, although tab does work in text editing windows to advance a set number of spaces. That is because applications don't process some control keys directly. They rely on the system to intercept the keys and send them a higher-level event that tells them what action to take. For instance, dialog boxes are expecting to get a "jump to next item" event, which is generated by the system when the user tabs, but isn't generated by the system when you put the event in the event queue manually.

The two arguments charNum and codeNum specify together the control code to send. The following table lists the codes for the most popular control keys:

































The process for obtaining the codes to use for other control keys differs between the two platforms.


Download the Microsoft utility Virtual Keyboard from the Xtras download area. Launch the utility and press the key combination you are interested in. You will see many messages in the Virtual Keyboard window because repeat messages are generated as long as you hold down the keys. You are interested only in WM_CHAR messages which appeared while all of the keys were held down. Use the value under Char for the argument charNum. Use the value under Scan for the argument codeNum.

The screen shot below shows the WM_CHAR message for Ctrl-V highlighted. Assuming a window ID of 35, the arguments for sending Ctrl-V (on a US keyboard) would be:

--mappFakeCharCodeWait(windowID, charNum, codeNum)
mappFakeCharCodeWait(35,22, 47)

Some rare key combinations do not generate unique WM_CHAR messages - Shift-Space for instance. You will not be able to use mappFakeCharCode or mappFakeCharCodeWait for those key combinations.


On the Mac, it's not quite so easy. Open up a copy of your System file with ResEdit. Get ResEdit from the Apple link supplied in the Xtras Download area. Look for the KCHR resource. Double-click it and then double-click on the language you are interested in. It will bring up a virtual keyboard that looks like the following:

Press the key combination you are interested in. The keys will highlight on the picture of the keyboard and two values will display for Char and Key to the right. Unfortunately they are Hex values and you have to do some math to extract the decimal values that MasterApp requires. Here are the formulas:

This example uses the values for Cmd-V, which is Char $76, Key $09


1. Convert the Char hex value to decimal. For $76 that would be 7 * 16 + 6 or 118

2. Convert the Key hex value to decimal. For $09 that would be 9

3. Multiply the Key decimal value by 256. 9 * 256 is 2304

4. Add the final Key decimal value to the final Char decimal value. That would be 2304 + 118 = 2422


Add the following values together for any modifier keys that are held down. In this example only Ctrl is being held down, so the value would be 1.

right control = 128

right option = 64

right shift = 32

left control = 16

left option = 8

caps lock = 4

left shift = 2

left command = 1

--mappFakeCharCodeWait(windowID, charNum, codeNum)
mappFakeCharCodeWait(35, 2422, 1)

The methods in MasterApp are very close to the actual system API calls, which require the same values for the charNum and codeNum arguments. The advantage of this is that there isn't too much intervening code that could introduce error. That makes MasterApp a stable product, but it requires Lingo programmers to do some extra work. The mappFakeCharCode methods are slated to be revamped to use Director keycode args in a future version.


-- Send Ctrl-V on the PC
-- Send Ctrl-V on the Mac

mappFakeCharCodeWait ( windowIDNum, charNum, codeNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
charNum: integer virtual keycode value obtained from formula
codeNum: integer modifier keycode value

Returns: 0

On Win32, generates the same event as mappFakeCharCode but sends it directly to the window rather than placing it in the event queue, and waits for the window to report that the event has been processed. On the Mac, a synonym for mappFakeCharCode.


-- Send Esc on the PC
-- Send Ctrl-Q on the Mac

mappShowMenu ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

PC-only method. Targets the menu to receive keyboard input, which allows you to send keyboard shortcuts to choose menu items. Does this by adding a showMenu event to the event queue. The process is equivalent to the user pressing Alt and then a key to invoke that menu command. You must send mappShowMenu to the app's main window, after moving it to the front. Then use mappFakeCharacter to choose a menu item by sending the key.

These methods are only necessary on the PC because on the Mac you can target any window with a keyboard shortcut for a menu command and it will execute. On the PC, you first have to invoke the menu and target the application's main window.


on sendToMenu windowID,theString
  -- PC only. Activate the application's menu and then send the letter representing
  -- the menu command. For instance sending "FX" for the menu command on
  -- the PC will choose "[F]ile -> E[x]it" and quit the target application. 
  -- You must send menu commands to the app's main window for them to work.
  -- If the character displays a submenu, send a second character for the 
  -- submenu choice.
  -- EX: sendToMenu(2302,"FX")
  if windowID = 0 then exit
  if not stringP(theString) then exit
  set le = length(theString)
  repeat with x = 1 to le
    mappFakeCharacter(windowID,char x of theString)
  end repeat

mappShowMenuWait ( windowIDNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method

PC-only method. On Win32, generates the same event as mappShowMenu but sends it directly to the window rather than placing it in the event queue, and waits for the window to report that the event has been processed.



mappAnyWindowAtPoint ( horPointNum, verPointNum )

horPointNum: integer horizonal point relative to top/left corner of desktop
verPointNum: integer vertical point relative to top/left corner of desktop

Returns: integer window ID or -1 if an error occurred

Returns the parent window under point(horPointNum,verPointNum). Useful when researching where to send fake mouse clicks, as a diagnostic tool. The coordinates are relative to the top/left of the desktop. On a Mac with multiple monitors the coordinates are relative to the top/left of the screen with the menu bar.


set dialog = mappAnyWindowAtPoint(320,140)

mappChildWindowAtPoint ( windowIDNum , horPointNum, verPointNum )

windowIDNum: integer window ID obtained from another method
horPointNum: integer horizonal point relative to top/left corner of desktop
verPointNum: integer vertical point relative to top/left corner of desktop

Returns: integer window ID or -1 if an error occurred

Returns the child window - usually a widget like a button or field, that is under point(horPointNum,verPointNum) in the parent window supplied. Useful when researching where to send fake mouse clicks, as a diagnostic tool. The coordinates are relative to the top/left of the desktop. On a Mac with multiple monitors the coordinates are relative to the top/left of the screen with the menu bar.


set dialogWin = mappAnyWindowAtPoint(320,140)
   set widget = mappChildWindowAtPoint(dialogWin,320,140)

Windows Registry Methods

The Windows registry contains configuration information for the system and for individual applications. You can use the registry to find out information about a particular application, such as its install directory. You can also use it to find out configuration information like whether or not a screen saver is active. The Mac does not have a comparable system registry so this method family is Win32-only.

In early versions of Windows, all customization information was stored in plain text .INI files. Anybody could edit the files with a text editor, leaving open the possibility of doing serious damage by writing the wrong information in the wrong format. On 32-bit Windows systems registry information is stored in a series of binary files that can only be written to or read from, by using API calls. This setup makes it more difficult for a user to incorrectly edit the registry and possibly corrupt it. MasterApp gives you access to these API calls in its Windows Registry family of methods.

In order to use the registry methods you have to know something about the way the registry is set up and about where the registry stores the information you are interested in. You can examine the registry on a Win machine by running REGEDIT.EXE ( Start -> Run -> REGEDIT )

[While the average user would probably not be able to completely corrupt the registry using registry editing tools, it is quite possible to use MasterApp's registry methods to wipe out registry entries or to write bad data to the registry and corrupt it. Before doing any experimenting on a system you care about, you may want to use REGEDIT's export function to back up the registry.]

If you haven't run REGEDIT before, it should open to the top level of the registry and look something like this:

The information in the registry is arranged in a hierarchy, much like a file system, so Microsoft created a file folder interface to browse it. The information itself really isn't stored in physical file folders and subfolders the way the registry depicts it, but it is stored in a tree structure. The base categories at the very top of the hierarchy are designed to contain certain types of information.

Base category

Contains information about ...


document types, such as what extension identifies them and what application to open them with


the current user's preferences for the system setup such as program groups, color scheme, network connections


system configuration info not dependent on user like installed hardware, available keyboard layouts, file system being used


preference information for all users. HKEY_CURRENT_USER actually is a convenience category that just points to a sub-node of this category


The other two - HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG and HKEY_DYN_DATA are not accessible by MasterApp, so won't be covered here.

Underneath any base category are many "keys" and "values". A key is any valid path in the hierarchy. The content of a key is usually more keys and also some values. Values contain the data being stored. In the REGEDIT window, the left pane displays keys and the right pane displays values. Each value has two parts - the value name, which describes what is stored there, and the actual value data.

When you double-click on any of the "folders" in REGEDIT, the path to the current key is displayed at the bottom of the window, any subkeys display below it as subfolders and any values for that key display in the right pane. In the screen shot below, the key is:

My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Appearance

It has a subkey called Schemes. It also has 3 values, displayed in the right pane - Default, Current, and CustomColors. One of the values shown is the user's current desktop scheme. The value name is "Current". The value data is "Eggplant".

Every key has at least one value - the default value. The name of the value is not really "Default". That's why the parens are around its name. To specify the default value in any of the registry methods, use "", an empty string, for the value name.

Registry values can contain several different types of data. The most common ones are string, integer or bytelist (binary data). In the screen shot above, the default value and the value "Current" contain string data while value Custom Colors contains a byte list. Unless you are an experienced programmer, the entries you will find most useful will be string or integer entries.

When you want to work with a particular value using the registry methods, you break the key up into two parts and pass the value name as the third part. Let's use the key from the screen shot as an example:

My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Appearance

Base: top-level base category. This can only be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS. Note that there is nowhere to pass the computer name, even though technically that is part of the key. You leave off the computer name completely. You also leave off beginning and trailing slashes. So base for the example key would be:


Key: everything in the key after the base, again minus beginning or trailing slashes. So key for the example would be:


Value: the name of the value you are interested in. For the example key, possible values would be:

"" (for the default)

Why does it work like this? So that if there is something wrong with one of the arguments MasterApp can return a more specific error message about what part is wrong. For instance, if you make a typo in the base part, MasterApp will return:

Error: no compiled key for the base

That helps you figure out which part of the entry is wrong, which can be helpful if the entries are very long.

mappGetWindowsRegistry ( baseString, keyString, valueString )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base
string value name within key or "" for default

Returns: data contained by the specified registry entry or string beginning with "Error:". Data type depends on registry entry.

Win32-only method. Returns the data for a specific value of the specified key. Returns a string, an integer, or binary data in the form of a list of bytes (as integers from 0 to 255), depending on what type of entry is present in the registry.


put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","ControlPanel\Appearance","Current")
-- "Eggplant"
-- Get the document type name for .htm files
   put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",".htm","")
-- "htmlfile"
   See what browser is registered to handle .htm files
   put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT","htmlfile\shell\open\command","")
-- ""C:\PROGRA~1\PLUS!\MICROS~1\iexplore.exe" -nohome"

mappSetWindowsRegistry ( baseString, keyString, valueString, dataAnytype )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base
string value name within key or "" for default
dataAnytype: data value to write to specified key

Returns: "OK" or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Sets the data of a registry value. The value, key, and its parent keys are created if needed. If the value already exists, its data is overwritten with the data you supply.

You can supply a string, an integer, or binary data in the form of a list of bytes as integers from 0 to 255. If the type of data you supply does not match the current data type for an existing value, the value's data type will be changed to match the data you are writing.

Warning: This is a dangerous method. It can damage your registry data and prevent your computer from working if you write data unintentionally to the wrong key. Please back up your registry data before doing development work and testing by using REGEDIT's export option (Registry -> Export registry file)

If you are editing an existing value make sure that your data type matches the existing type by using mappGetWindowsRegistryEntryType. Check Microsoft doc for the limits before writing extraordinarily long strings or binary lists. Also, while it is possible to write data to the "HKEY_USERS" base, it isn't advisable. Edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead. The edited information for the user will automatically update HKEY_USERS.


-- Make a brand new key for a company and create a value for it
-- Change the current user's screen saver time out to 60 seconds (note that 60 is a string)
mappSetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","Control Panel\desktop","ScreenSaveTimeOut","60")

mappGetWindowsRegistryEntries ( baseString, keyString )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base

Returns: string listing subkeys and values available within specified key or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Returns a string with all entries, both subkeys and value names, available under the specified key; one entry per line. Subkeys are listed first, then values; but the order in which subkeys and values are reported may vary from call to call. Default is not listed because it doesn't really have a value name.


put mappGetWindowsRegistryEntries("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","ControlPanel\Appearance")
-- "Schemes

mappGetWindowsRegistryKeys ( baseString, keyString )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base

Returns: string listing only subkeys available within specified key or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Returns a string with just the subkeys available under the supplied key; one entry per line.


put mappGetWindowsRegistryKeys("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","ControlPanel\Appearance")
-- "Schemes"

mappGetWindowsRegistryValues ( baseString, keyString )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base

Returns: string listing only values of subkeys available within specified key or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Returns a string with just the value names available within the specified key; one entry per line. Default is not listed because it doesn't really have a value name.


put mappGetWindowsRegistryValues("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","ControlPanel\Appearance")
-- "CustomColors

mappGetWindowsRegistryEntryType ( baseString, keyString, entryString )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base
entryString: string value name or subkey name within key or "" for default

Returns: string describing data type contained by registry entry or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Returns the type of data stored by the specified entry. Possible types are:



put mappGetWindowsRegistryEntryType("HKEY_CURRENT_USER","ControlPanel\Appearance","Current")
-- "string"

mappDeleteWindowsRegistry ( baseString, keyString, valueString )

baseString: string top-level base category of registry key
string remainder of registry key after base
valueString: string value name within key or "" to delete entire key

Returns: "OK" or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Erases one value within a key or an entire registry key. On Windows 95, this also deletes any subkeys. On Windows NT, this won't work if subkeys exist, so use mappGetWindowsRegistryKeys to detect and delete any subkeys first. Since "" for value is used here to delete the entire key you may wonder how you delete the default value for a key. You can't. All registry entries have to have a default value.


-- Delete just the value Install but leave updateStage's key
-- Delete the entire updateStage key


Warning: This is a dangerous method. It can damage your registry data and prevent your computer from working if you write data unintentionally to the wrong key. Please back up your registry data before doing development work and testing by using REGEDIT's export option (Registry -> Export registry file).


This catchall category contains methods for finding out about and setting the default printer for use with mappPrintDocument and for getting the operating system type.

mappGetDefaultPrinter ()

Returns: string printer name

Win32-only method. Reports the current default printer name.


set currPrinter = mappGetDefaultPrinter()

mappSetDefaultPrinter ( printerString )

printerString: string printer name

Returns: "OK" or string beginning with "Error:"

Win32-only method. Selects a new default printer. Requires the exact results of either mappGetDefaultPrinter or one of the lines returned by mappGetInstalledPrinters.


mappSetDefaultPrinter("Epson Stylus COLOR ESC/P 2,ESCP2MS,LPT1:")

mappGetInstalledPrinters ()

Returns: string list of installed printers, one printer per line

Win32-only method. Returns a list of all of the installed printer drivers. Since it is possible for a printer driver to exist on a system that is not really connected to that printer, it is probably better to present the printer names to the user, rather than to select one automatically for the user.


put mappGetInstalledPrinters()
-- "HP DeskJet 500,HPDSKJET,LPT1:
Epson Stylus COLOR ESC/P 2,ESCP2MS,LPT1:
TI microLaser PS17,PSCRIPT,LPT1:"

mappWindowsFlavor ()

Returns: string containing operating system type

Win32-only method. Returns one of the following:


When MasterApp is running on a Windows 98 system it returns "win95". You can use the registry reading methods to get more detailed information about the system.

There is a registry setting that contains a string that reports what version of Win you are running, on non-NT systems.

set winType = mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\","Version")
put winType
-- "Windows 98"

There is another registry setting that only exists on Windows NT that contains a string that reports whether you are running on Windows NT Workstation or Server:

set winntType = mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\","ProductType")
put winntType
-- "ServerNT" -- if running NT Server
-- "WinNT"    -- if running NT Workstation


set os = mappWindowsFlavor()

mappDontUseLayerManager ()

Returns: "OK"

Mac-only method. Turns off use of the Mac system Layer Manager, which is turned on by default if MasterApp detects a Mac system version of 7.1 through 8.*. On those systems, MasterApp makes use of Apple's undocumented and unsupported Layer Manager to retrieve information about windows outside of the Director projector. Without Layer Manager, MasterApp can only detect and work with the windows belonging to the Director projector.

If you want to guarantee future compatibility at the expense of losing features now, you can use this method to turn off the Layer Manager.



mappUseLayerManager ()

Returns: "OK"

Mac-only method. Turns on use of the Mac system Layer Manager, which is already turned on by default if MasterApp detects a Mac system version of 7.1 through 8.*. On those systems, MasterApp makes use of Apple's undocumented and unsupported Layer Manager to retrieve information about windows outside of the Director projector. Without Layer Manager, MasterApp can only detect and work with the windows belonging to the Director projector.

This method is provided for future compatibility. It is not necessary to use it with current operating system versions since use of Layer Manager is already turned on by default.



mappGetSystemVersion( )

Returns: string containing Mac OS system version

Mac-only method. The mappGetSystemVersion method helps you determine the MacOS version, which you can use to plan future behavior of a product. It returns a string that can be turned into a floating point number with 'float()', for numerical comparisons, or it can be compared digit by digit. For instance, System 7.6.1 returns the string '07.61'.


set ver = mappGetSystemVersion( )
set ver = float(ver)
if ver < 9.0 then

-- code specific to System 8.* or below

Encoding for special characters

On the Mac, some applications reuse the space assigned to empty names in a window list to store binary data. The data can include commas and control characters like RETURN or even numToChar(0) which Director understands as end of string. On the Mac, MasterApp lists a window's controls as "child windows" for the sake of consistency, but this concept doesn't really exist on the Mac. Application programmers are not necessarily expecting an outside app like MasterApp to be retrieving the names of a window's controls. Similarly, it is also possible for control characters to be returned within tasknames in a returned task list or filename.

In order to prevent binary data in a window name field from truncating the returned window list, MasterApp on both platforms filters for character 0, and replaces it with the string "{0}" in the returned data. It also replaces character "{" with the string "{l}" for "left bracket" and the character "}" with "{r}" for right bracket, so you can distinguish a left bracket in the data.

Common tasks

MasterApp is most commonly used to control Acrobat Reader or a web browser, so those tasks are covered in some depth here. You will want to check MasterApp's online tech notes as well, for how-to's and tips covering other less-traveled technical issues.

Open a web page

You don't need MasterApp to simply open a web page with a browser. Director's own "goToNetPage" in version 6 or above will do that for you quite nicely. However, "goToNetPage" opens whatever browser is designated as the default browser on the user's system. Things get a little trickier if you want to launch a specific browser.


You can use the Windows registry to find the installed path of the browser you are interested in. The registry is preferable to using mappLocateExecutable because you can use a registry entry to find the most recent version if multiple versions are installed.

Getting the installed path for Netscape is very straightforward:

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Main", "Install Directory")

-- "C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator"

For Explorer you have to go through several entries. First look here to see if Explorer is installed. Any doc path returned for "Local Page" indicates that Explorer is installed.

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "Local Page")

-- "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\blank.htm"

This entry returns the current version, which you will use in a subsequent call:

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "InternetExplorer.Application\CurVer", "")

-- "InternetExplorer.Application.1"

The current version is used as part of the key for this next call which returns the ClassID for the app:

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "InternetExplorer.Application.1\CLSID", "")

-- "{0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

Finally, you use the ClassID as part of the key that returns the path to IE:

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "CLSID\{0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer32", "")

-- ""C:\PROGRA~1\PLUS!\MICROS~1\iexplore.exe""

Current versions of both Netscape and Explorer will accept a URL as the command line argument. If the user had set up the browser to allow auto-connect the browser will initiate a connection after launch. You would supply mappLaunch with the file path obtained from the registry and the URL like so:



On the Mac there is no registry for looking up the path to the browser, and browsers don't recognize a URL passed as a command-line argument. Since the Mac links documents to apps by their type and creator, on the Mac you must create an HTML document with the type and creator that matches the browser you want to open. Inside the document you can include a META-REFRESH tag, which instructs the browser to open a URL.

Setting the type and creator for the document

You must use a file resource editor like Apple's ResEdit or Peter van der Heide's Drop It to set the HTML file's type and creator for either Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. They are as follows:




Netscape Navigator



Internet Explorer




If you don't have access to a resource editor you can copy an existing HTML document that shows either the Netscape Navigator or Explorer icon, delete all of the text, and paste in your own HTML. The document will still retain the correct type and creator. For Netscape Navigator you can use bookmarks.html. Any of the help files that come with Explorer will do.

It's possible that the user will only have one browser installed. On the PC that's not a problem since only one app will be registered to handle HTML files. On the Mac, if you open a HTML file with a Type and Creator for Netscape Navigator, only Netscape Navigator will be searched for and launched. Since MasterApp returns an error message if it can't find the app, you can look for one browser, check for an error, then look for the other if necessary.

Automatically opening a URL

Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support a Netscape HTML tag called META-REFRESH to automatically open a URL when the HTML document is opened. Here is a bare-bones HTML example:

Meta-refresh HTML example code

Another way to open up a URL directly is to create an HTML file in bookmark format. If you open a bookmark file, the browser will navigate directly to the bookmark's URL. Unfortunately the bookmark file format differs between the two browsers and differs depending on platform so you have to have a separate bookmark file for each browser and platform.

On the Mac, you create plain text bookmark files with a particular type and creator and a URL on the first line of the file. Set the type and creator with a resource editor or copy a bookmark file from either browser and substitute your own URL. The type and creator for bookmark files are listed in the table below:




Netscape Navigator



Internet Explorer




For Navigator the file should contain a URL and nothing else:

For Internet Explorer there should also be just one line containing the URL but it should be formatted like so:

[Internet Shortcut]/r/nURL=

Bookmarks on Windows

Modern Win browsers can open a URL passed to them as a command-line argument, but you can also open a URL by passing a bookmark type file.

On the PC under Win32, a bookmark is a shortcut file - not a plain text file. You can create a new one pointing to your URL by modifying an existing file. Shortcut filenames end in .URL. Search for one of those in the Netscape History folder or the Explorer Favorites folder and modify the Target URL property. Treat the shortcut as a document:


Check for existence of an app and launch an installer

You can combine mappLocateExecutable and mappLaunch to determine whether software has already been installed that will handle a particular document type and launch an installer if it has not. The example behavior below illustrates how to look for an application using a document and how to wait for a running installer to finish by monitoring the taskList.

A looping exitFrame handler checks the taskList on every frame to see if the installer task is still running. The looping frame allows external tasks some processing time. The usual way to wait, by using a Director repeat loop, would prevent the very task you are waiting for, from running.

-- Installer
-- Looks for a program name. If program is not already installed, runs
-- an installer, then launches the program.
-- Usage
-- Place behavior on a frame. Will loop on the frame until the program
-- has been launched or until the program has been installed and 
-- launched or until there has been an error. Requires a field to
-- write progress messages to. Field does not have to be on screen.
-- Behavior Dialog Fields
-- Path to doc relative to this movie: Path to doc
--   includes doc name. Is relative to moviepath.
--   If movie is in C:\TEMP, docpath would be
-- Path to installer relative to this movie: Path to installer
--   includes installer name. Is relative to moviepath.
--   If movie is in C:\TEMP, would launch installer at
-- Name of field to write status information to: name of field
--   that will display progress messages

property docPath,installerPath,statusField
property progressFlag,installerID,initialWait

-- docPath: path to doc relative to this movie associated with
--    app to locate on hard drive
-- installerPath: path to installer relative to this movie
-- statusField: name of field containing status info
-- progressFlag: symbol tracking what the state of the install is
-- installerID: taskID of install program while it is running
-- initialWait: 3 second delay that allows installer to be fully
--    launched before looking for it on task list

on beginSprite
  set progressFlag = #start
  put "" into field statusField

on exitFrame
  case progressFlag of
    #start: lookForProgram
    #install: installProgram
    #wait: waitForInstaller
    #installOver: lookForProgram
    #done: go the frame + 1
  end case
  go the frame

on lookForProgram
  -- Looks for program on user's hard drive
  -- Either launches it or sets a flag to start install
  set docPath = the moviePath & docPath
  set programPath = mappLocateExecutable(docPath)
  if char 1 to 5 of programPath = "Error" then
    if progressFlag <> #installOver then      
      set progressFlag = #install
      put "Did not find program" into field statusField
      set progressFlag = #done
      put RETURN & "Still did not find program after install" after field statusField
    end if    
    set err = mappLaunch(programPath,"")
    if stringP(err) or (the machineType <> 256 and (err < 0)) then
      set progressFlag = #install
      put "Cannot launch program" into field statusField
      set progressFlag = #done
      put "Successfully launched program" into field statusField
    end if
  end if

on installProgram
  -- Launches install program
  set installerPath = the moviePath & installerPath
  set err = mappLaunch(installerPath,"")
  if stringP(err) or (the machineType <> 256 and (err < 0)) then
    set progressFlag = #done
    put RETURN & "Cannot launch installer" after field statusField
    set installerID = " " & err & " "
    set progressFlag = #wait
    set initialWait = the ticks + 180
    put RETURN & "Waiting for installer to finish" after field statusField
  end if 

on waitForInstaller
  -- After initial 3 second wait, keeps
  -- checking task list waiting for installer's task ID
  -- to disappear
  if the ticks < initialWait then
    set allTasks = " " & mappGetTaskIDs() & " "
    if not (allTasks contains installerID) then
      set progressFlag = #installOver
      put RETURN & "Installer has finished" after field statusField
    end if
  end if

on getPropertyDescriptionList  
  set p_list = [:]
  set temp = [:]
  addProp temp,#comment,"Path to document relative to this movie:"
  addProp temp,#format,#string
  addProp temp,#default,"DOCS\HELP.DOC"
  addProp p_list,#docPath,duplicate(temp)
  set temp = [:]
  addProp temp,#comment,"Path to installer relative to this movie:"
  addProp temp,#format,#string
  addProp temp,#default,"INSTALL\SOMEPROG.EXE"
  addProp p_list,#installerPath,duplicate(temp)
  set temp = [:]
  addProp temp,#comment,"Name of field to write status information to:"
  addProp temp,#format,#string
  addProp temp,#default,"Launch status"
  addProp p_list,#statusField,duplicate(temp)
  return p_list 

Go to a specific Acrobat page

There isn't any way to open an Acrobat document to a particular page by sending a command line argument with the open, but you can still navigate to the page by typing the page number into the "Go Page" dialog using simulated input. The following behavior demonstrates how you can combine window operations and simulated input operations to target a window for keystrokes and mouse clicks.

The window remains visible while this is going on. You can experiment with the built-in waits to close it more quickly, or you can try moving it off screen. Sending simulated input to the dialog while it is off screen would require more development on Win because the dialog widgets do not respond to input in the same way when the dialog is not visible.

-- Type into Acrobat page number dialog
-- Uses simulated user input to type a page number into
-- Acrobat's "Go Page" dialog and go to that page in
-- the document
-- Usage
-- Place behavior on a button. Requires a field to
-- get the page number from. Field does not have to be on screen.

property pageField,plat

-- pageField: name of field to get page number from
-- plat: "Mac" or "Win"

on mouseUp
  set num = field pageField
  if num = "" then exit  
  set taskID = findAcroTask()
  if taskID = 0 then exit
  set dialogID = findDialogWindow(taskID)
  if dialogID = 0 then exit
  set editFieldID = findEditWindow(taskID,dialogID)
  if editFieldID = 0 then exit  

on getPlatform
  if item 1 of the platform = "Macintosh" then
    set plat = "Mac"
    set plat = "Win"
  end if

on openPageDialog taskID
  if plat = "Win" then
    -- Send keyboard shortcut for page dialog.
    -- Must find main window and activate menu 
    -- first on Win
    set wins = mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID)
    set mainWin = findWindowNamed("Acrobat Reader",wins,FALSE)
    -- Can send keyboard shortcut to any win on Mac
    set anyWindow = value(word 1 of mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID))
    if anyWindow <> 0 then
      -- Cmd-5 Mac menu command to open page dialog
    end if
  end if

on findDialogWindow taskID
  -- Return the window ID of the "Go Page" dialog window
  set dialogWin = 0
  set wins = mappGetTaskWindowIDs(taskID)
  set dialogWin = findWindowNamed("Go To Page",wins,TRUE)
  return dialogWin

on findEditWindow taskID,dialogWin
  -- Return the windowID of the window that will
  -- accept the page number typed in with 
  -- simulated input
  set pageWin = 0
  set savDelim = the itemDelimiter
  set the itemDelimiter = ","
  if plat = "Win" then
    -- On Win the edit field is a child window of
    -- the "Go to page" dialog with a type of "Edit"
    set wins = mappGetChildWindowList(dialogWin)
    set lns = the number of lines of wins
    repeat with x = 1 to lns
      set thisWin = line x of wins
      if item 1 of thisWin = "" then
        set type = item 5 of thisWin
        if type = "Edit" then
          set pageWin = value(item 2 of thisWin)
        end if
      end if
    end repeat  
    -- On Mac the edit field is a window with no name and
    -- horizontal location of 0
    set wins = mappGetTaskWindowList(taskID)
    set lns = the number of lines of wins
    repeat with x = 1 to lns
      set thisWin = line x of wins
      if item 1 of thisWin = "" then
        set id = value(item 2 of thisWin)
        if id <> 0 then
          if word 1 of mappGetWindowOutsideRect(id) = "0" then
            set pageWin = id
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end repeat  
  end if
  set the itemDelimiter = savDelim
  return pageWin

on sendPageToWindow editID,dialogID
  -- Read page number from page field and type into
  -- dialog's editable field receiving page #
  set chars = the number of chars of field pageField
  repeat with x = 1 to chars
    mappFakeCharacter(editID,char x of field pageField)
  end repeat
  if plat = "Win" then
    -- Find the OK button and send a fake keypress
    -- because sending "Enter" to dismiss dialog
    -- doesn't work on Win
    set wins = mappGetChildWindowIDs(dialogID)
    set OKwin = findWindowNamed("OK",wins,TRUE)
    if OKwin <> 0 then
      set winrect = mappGetWindowOutsideRect(OKWin)
      -- point 10 pixels inside win
      set clickH = value(word 1 of winrect) + 10
      set clickV = value(word 2 of winrect) + 10
    end if
    -- Send RETURN to edit field to dismiss dialog
  end if

on findAcroTask
  -- Return taskID for Acrobat Reader task
  set taskID = 0
  if plat = "Win" then
    set taskName = "ACRORD"
    set taskName = "Acroba"
  end if   
  set tasks = mappGetTaskList()
  set lns = the number of lines of tasks
  repeat with x = 1 to lns
    set thisTask = line x of tasks
    if char 1 to 6 of thisTask = taskName then
      set taskID = value(item 2 of thisTask)
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return taskID

on findWindowNamed windowName,idList,exact
  -- Return a window with a name that matches requested name
  -- windowName: name string to look for
  -- idList: string containing list of window ids
  -- exact: TRUE if match on name should be exact, FALSE if name
  --        can contain string you are looking for
  set windowID = 0
  set ids = the number of words of idList
  repeat with x = 1 to ids
    set thisID = value(word x of idList)
    set curName = mappGetWindowName(thisID)
    if curName = windowName or (curName contains windowName and exact = FALSE)then
      set windowID = thisID
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return windowID  

on feedProcess someTicks
  -- Feed timeslices for duration in ticks of someTicks
  set doneTime = the ticks + someTicks
  repeat while the ticks < doneTime
  end repeat

on getPropertyDescriptionList  
  set p_list = [:]
  set temp = [:]
  addProp temp,#comment,"Name of field containing page number:"
  addProp temp,#format,#string
  addProp temp,#default,"PageNumber"
  addProp p_list,#pageField,duplicate(temp)
  return p_list 


Mac Layer Manager

MasterApp methods that operate on or get information about windows depend on a system component called the Layer Manager. The Layer Manager was described in a preliminary document for Mac developers attending a prerelease version of System 7.1, but Apple later decided not to officially support or document the API. MasterApp Mac was coded using the Layer Manager because it was, and still is, at the time of this writing, the only way for MasterApp to monitor and address windows outside of the Director application itself.

Although Mac system versions have continued to support Layer Manager, it is possible that a future Mac operating system will not support Layer Manager. If, at that time, there is still no equivalent replacement, the MasterApp methods that rely on Layer Manager will not be able to return as much information.

The following MasterApp methods rely on the Layer Manager on the Mac. This is not an issue for the PC versions of MasterApp.

Method group

Without Layer Manager these methods will ...


only return information for the Director or Authorware task


only return window ID's owned by the Director or Authorware task. Will return the frontmost window first.


not return the`task list in front to back order, although it will always return the frontmost app first. Also may include invisible system apps like File Sharing which would not normally be included if Layer Manager was enabled.


return 0. However, when 0 is supplied to mappGetWindowInsideRect() or mappGetWindowOutsideRect() in this situation, the desktop rectangle is nonetheless returned accurately. This is due to some special code that was designed to make the Mac side behave the same way as the Windows side. This dates from when desktopRectList wasn't a Lingo keyword yet and this was a way to find out the screen size, not the stage window size.


not return a windowID for a window that does not belong to the host app, even though it may be under the supplied point.


will work, but will not switch to the task that owns the supplied windowID automatically before simulating input

Acrobat path

Some applications which register themselves to open documents may not properly report their installed location to Windows itself. This manifests itself in a failure of mappLocateExecutable to report the installed location.

One workaround is to use mappOpenDocument which may work correctly even though mappLocateExecutable isn't returning the correct results. However, there may be times when you really do want to know the true full file name of the application.

Fortunately, there is a workaround using mappGetWindowsRegistry. Here's the way to get an app from a document type.

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", ".pdf", "")
 -- "AcroExch.Document"

This string would be a string with word 1 'Error:' if nothing has been installed to handle .pdf files. Otherwise, this returns the document type to use for a second lookup to get the application registered to open the document.

put mappGetWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",
"AcroExch.Document\Shell\Open\Command", "")
-- "c:\Program Files\Acrobat\AcroRd32.exe "%1""

The \Shell\Open\Command portion is standard; any document that opens an app when you double click on it should have an entry in that format. Windows itself sets up these registry entries, even for 16-bit apps that don't themselves access the registry when they are installed.

Note the '%1' at the end, which indicates the place to substitute a file to open. Note that it's between QUOTE characters, which is so that a document file using a long file name containing a space will be interpreted as one argument, not two arguments. Not all applications surround the '%1' with QUOTE characters; Acrobat does, but most 16-bit applications don't because they aren't aware of the long file name additions to Windows 95/NT. Some programs also include '%2', '%3', %4' etc. in this registry entry. These are used to indicate more than one file to open at a time. Some applications also surround the application name itself with QUOTE characters; Acrobat doesn't.

To be robust and handle all variations of quote marking with this registry entry, you should check for '%1' in a returned string; snip any preceding quote if present; snip the %1 itself and anything that follows it; snip any preceding spaces; and check the remainder, for a starting and ending quote mark, snipping them if present. That should leave you with just the application name. Quotes and % characters are not allowed in long file names or folder names themselves; therefore, this should be a reliable technique for resolving a document type into an application file name, without knowing the application itself at authoring time.


If you're working in 8-bit color and you open an external app with a palette that's not the same as the one you're using in Director - especially if that app opens up dialog boxes, Director might never realize its correct palette again. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH MASTERAPP other than you might have used MasterApp to launch the external app. But, some remedies are:

1. Use the Windows palette for the Director movie

2. Make sure the projector is set to "Animate in background" and the movie is set to "Remap colors when needed"

3. If those 2 suggestions still don't do it, make a copy of DIRECTOR.INI, rename it with your projector's name.INI and edit it as follows. The [Palette] line must be UNcommented:


Animation = 0

Place MYPROJECTOR.INI next to your projector for distribution. Use this as a last resort because it slows down other palette ops in Director.


According to customer reports, neither the Xtra nor XObject version of MasterApp is able to work seamlessly to simulate input in PowerPoint, due to the way PowerPoint appears to be coded. One option for Director developers who wish to work with PowerPoint content is Macromedia's Xtra for converting PowerPoint presentations into Director movies.

Simulated input

PowerPoint does not respond to all simulated input, especially in dialog boxes.

Background and minimized modes

PowerPoint shows don't support background or minimized modes, and once a PowerPoint show is invoked, either through its viewer using the .ppt format or through the full application using .pps, it puts up a black screen for a long time while it slowly loads.

Sending Cmd-Q from Director 7 projectors

On Macintosh platforms, in a Director 7 projector, when you send the Cmd-Q keystroke to another application's window like this:

mappFakeCharCode ( windowID, 3185, 1 )

the other application will quit, but sometimes the currently running handler in the Director projector will abort too. This is only a problem in D7 projectors. The workaround is to use mappRudeQuitTask instead, which is actually only "rude" on Windows platforms.

Volume named "Error"

On the Mac, if you have a volume named "Error" the following methods could conceivably return a valid path that started with the string "Error:", confusing error checking code that expected that string to signal an error:


Version history

Current Version

Mac Xtra: v1.04

Win 32-bit Xtra: v1.0.4



v1.04 released 3/22/99
v1.03 beta released 2/4/99
Converted Mac XObject to Xtra format. Added Mac-only methods mappFixMenuBarOnLaunch, mappDontFixMenuBarOnLaunch, mappFixMenuBarHeight


v1.02 released 2/9/98
Documentation changed to reflect new publisher, updateStage. The licensed version's serial number registration technique was simplified and made compatible with Windows XObject and Xtra serial numbers.
v1.01 released 8/1/97
v1.0 released 3/29/97
Added methods (and changed defaults) to keep the mappLocateExecutable method from locating alias files instead of application files, when asked to locate an application by file name
v0.50 released 2/28/97
v0.49c released 1/10/97
v0.49b released 12/17/96
v0.49 released 12/7/96
v0.41 beta released 11/15/96
Releasable, non-datekilled version. Fixed bug where mGetTaskName and mGetTaskID would cut off the last character of their returned strings
v0.40 beta released 11/8/96
Initial Mac release ported from Windows MasterApp .

Win 32-bit Xtra

v1.04 released 3/22/99

v1.0.0.37 released 4/22/98

Added the methods missing from the Xtra that were previously only available in the XObject.

v1.0.0.20 beta released 2/9/98

v1.0.0.12 beta released 9/11/97

v1.0.0.8 beta released 8/25/97

v1.0.0.5 beta released 4/10/97

First preliminary development release.

v1.0.0.1 beta released 4/3/97

Diagnostic version used in investigating a client bug report. Supported only the Windows registry method and printer selection methods.

Standard legal disclaimer

This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The software or its documentation or samples may include errors or technical inaccuracies. Changes are periodically made to this software, its documentation and samples, and may be incorporated in new versions. Dirigo Multimedia and updateStage may improve or change their products at any time without notice. Neither Dirigo Multimedia nor updateStage assume responsibility for, and disclaim all liability for, errors in this software or its documentation and samples. Neither Dirigo Multimedia not updateStage will be responsible for any damages of any sort under any conditions. While the software contains no known bugs, use it at your own risk. As always, you should make frequent backups of important information.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

Copyright © 1999, updateStage. All rights reserved.